Landlord Filed Multiple Evictions


In Pennsylvania, a landlord can file for eviction multiple times if different issues arise. Rent placed in escrow should be deducted from any claimed back rent. If you believe the claim is incorrect, bring your receipts to court. For free legal assistance, contact North Penn Legal Services. Additionally, local charities or organizations may help with moving costs.

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My landlord found eviction against me in November. We went to court and the magistrate ruled in favor of the landlord so I filed an appeal. We have been paying rent to the courthouse every month waiting for the appeal hearing. The first week of May we got a typed letter by the landlord saying we have 10 days to leave. And just the other day we received a new hearing notice for the Magistrate for a new eviction
Hello Danielle, it sounds like a complex situation. Can you tell me where you're located? The laws regarding eviction vary by jurisdiction.
And it says we owe 7nmonths rent. But it's in escrow like we were supposed to do after filing an appeal. Why did this happen and can the same landlord file * evictions on the same rental that we are still in?
Hello Danielle, it's essential to know your location to provide accurate legal information. Can you share where you're located?
Northampton pa
Hello Danielle, In Pennsylvania:
- A landlord can file for eviction multiple times if different issues arise.
- Amount in escrow should be protected during appeal.
- Consult with local legal aid or attorney for specific guidance.
It's not for a different reason. It's for 6 months of back rent. But the rent was paid to the courthouse like I the appeal says
Hello Danielle, in Pennsylvania:
- Rent in escrow should be deducted from any claimed back rent.
- If you believe the claim is incorrect, bring your receipts to court.
- It's advisable to seek local legal counsel for appropriate advice.
Can't afford a lawyer. Need to move obviously
Hello Danielle, in Pennsylvania:
- You could try contacting North Penn Legal Services for free legal assistance.
- Also, consider reaching out to local charities or organizations for help with moving costs.