Tenant Rights And Maintenance
Mashay and Rianna may have a strong legal case due to unresolved maintenance issues affecting their apartments habitability. California law mandates landlords to maintain habitable living conditions, including functional utilities and a safe environment. Persistent problems like mold, pests, and malfunctioning appliances suggest violations of habitability standards. The landlords repeated failure to address these issues, despite notifications, strengthens their case. Consider consulting a local tenant rights organization or attorney for guidance.Full Conversation
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: mashay mcdaniel
Date: Mon, Jan *, * at *:* PM
Subject: Fwd: Unsafe Living Conditions
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Suzannah Owens
To: mashay mcdaniel
Cc: Rianna Middleton
Date: Fri, * Jul * *:*:* +*
Subject: Re: Maintenance request
Hi Mashay,
Can I send maintenance today?
I will get the cash reimbursement next week, Victor is out of town and he has the key to the cashbox.
Suzannah Owens
QuantumPrime Realty
Office (*)*-*
* Wilshire Blvd Ste *
Beverly Hills, CA *
From: mashay mcdaniel
Sent: Thursday, July *, * *:* PM
To: Suzannah Owens
Cc: Rianna Middleton
Subject: Maintenance request
Our sink is clogging while using the dishwasher as well as the garbage disposal has not worked since moving in. Could we get maintained out to take a look?
Also, wondering if there is a solution to our $* dollars being stuck on the laundry card that does not work.
Thank you,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: mashay mcdaniel
To: Rianna Middleton
Date: Mon, * Sep * *:*:* -*
Subject: Re: Maintenance Requests - July ‘*
Please review the below.
*) We have not received our $* credit for laundry from the card that stopped working.
*) Our oven has not worked since we moved in. We’ve requested this a couple of times and are concerned this is a fire hazard as controls turn off and on without being prompted.
*) Our guest bedroom had cockroaches (*) coming out of the drain. These cockroaches are coming from the drain which leads me to believe someone’s apartment near ours is where they are coming from. This is a very concerning issue and a health risk. Can you please advise what the best next steps are?
*) We have noticed ants coming out from behind our dish washer.
*) We have also noticed lots of rats in the common area near the bird feeder if no one has brought that to your attention yet.
*) Our outlet to the left of our front door is not working. Can we get that repaired?
*) Our bathtub has paint and sealant missing from it. This looks really bad when we have a guest. This also has been an issue since we moved in.
*) The paint is coming off our main bathroom vanity, we would like this repaired.
*) When was the last time our air conditioning filter was replaced? The entire unit is covered in dust and doesn’t work well.
*) When we run the dishwasher it smells like eggs/sewage that has a lingering smell in our apartment well after we run it. As well as both the bathrooms will randomly have egg/sewage smell even when not being used for a long period of time.
*) Our kitchen sink hot water has never worked since moving in. We have requested this to be repaired three times now.
*) The stove and fridge are now in separate outlets, which is great. However, we are concerned this remains a fire hazard as both appliances require correct voltage with at least * amps each. Can you verify these new outlets have * amps?
*) Our concern about mold in the bathroom from the shower leaking were not addressed. Mold poses a serious health risk and we’d like this checked out ASAP. Based on the condition the last tenant left this apartment in we suspect this has been a long ongoing leak.
We appreciate your continued help with the issues we have voiced for concern.
On Fri, Aug *, * at *:* AM Rianna Middleton wrote:
Hi Suzannah,
Yes we are home today and they’re able to enter as well.
We also have not received the $* refund from our first laundry card that didn’t work.
Can Victor please replace the dishwasher filter ASAP?
On Fri, Aug *, * at *:* AM Suzannah Owens wrote:
Hi Rianna,
I was under the impression that most of these were resolved. I apologize for not following up.
Victor can come today if that's okay. Please confirm if someone will be at home or if he can enter?
Suzannah Owens
QuantumPrime Realty
Office (*)*-*
* Wilshire Blvd Ste *
Beverly Hills, CA *
From: Rianna Middleton
Sent: Thursday, August *, * *:* PM
To: Suzannah Owens
Cc: mcdaniel.mashay@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Maintenance Requests - July ‘*
Hi Suzannah,
We've not heard from maintenance about the below requests - can you let us know what the plan is to get these resolved?
We'd like the dishwasher filter replaced ASAP as this is a health concern with mold growing on this from the previous tenant.
In addition, our shower is leaking on one side, which is causing mold to grow underneath. This is also highly concerning for us health wise.
The dishwasher filter was cleaned, but not replaced and still has mold on it. Can you please have the maintenance staff fully replace this with a new filter as this poses a serious health risk?
The shower is leaking on one side, which is causing mold to grow underneath. This also poses a serious health risk [NEW REQUEST]
The hot water still does not work in the kitchen
The stove and the fridge are still hooked up to a single extension cord vs being plugged into their own outlets into the wall. Was the team able to take a look at this? Again, we're concerned this may be a fire hazard.
On Mon, Jul *, * at *:* PM Rianna Middleton wrote:
Hi Suzannah,
I hope you had a nice weekend! We were able to fix the AC unit for now, so nothing is needed there.
For the previous request sent on the 24th, thank you and the maintenance staff for replacing the faucet! We wanted to check in on the other parts of the request:
The dishwasher filter was cleaned, but not replaced and still has mold on it. Can you please have the maintenance staff fully replace this with a new filter as this poses a serious health risk?
The hot water still does not work in the kitchen
The stove and the fridge are still hooked up to a single extension cord vs being plugged into their own outlets into the wall. Was the team able to take a look at this? Again, we're concerned this may be a fire hazard.
Maintenance is free to enter today after * PM.
On Mon, Jul *, * at *:* AM Suzannah Owens wrote:
Hi Mashay,
Does maintenance have permission to enter today to check this out?
Suzannah Owens
QuantumPrime Realty
Office (*)*-*
* Wilshire Blvd Ste *
Beverly Hills, CA *
From: mashay mcdaniel
Sent: Friday, July *, * *:* PM
To: Suzannah Owens
Cc: Rianna Middleton
Subject: Re: Maintenance Requests - July ‘*
Additionally, our AC unit is no longer working correctly. Would maintenance be able to come take a look at it?
On Wed, Jul *, * at *:* PM Suzannah Owens wrote:
Hi Rianna, thanks for letting us know we can send maintenance in your absence. I’ll get this taken care of!
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From: Rianna Middleton
Sent: Wednesday, July *, * *:*:* AM
To: Suzannah Owens
Cc: mcdaniel.mashay@gmail.com
Subject: Maintenance Requests - July ‘*
Hi Suzannah,
I hope you’re having a good week! Sending along a few more maintenance requests as we’re settling into the apartment on Hillside Ave (unit *).
The dishwasher filter is moldy and we’d like that replaced with a new filter. The kitchen sink also leaks, and the hot water faucet does not work.
We were cleaning behind the stove and found that the oven and fridge are hooked up through a single extension cord. We’re concerned this is a fire hazard as they should be plugged into their own outlets that are at least * amps.
Additionally, we’ve had some trouble with the oven where all the controls stop working, but the oven is still on. We had to unplug it directly to reset it.
We’ll be out of town for the next two days, but feel free to allow maintenance to enter.
Thanks so much!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Suzannah Owens
To: mashay mcdaniel
Date: Fri, * Oct * *:*:* +*
Subject: Re: Maintenance Requests - Sept. *
Victor will be there around 11am
Suzannah Jobe
QuantumPrime Realty
Office (*)*-*
* Wilshire Blvd Ste *
Beverly Hills, CA *
From: mashay mcdaniel
Sent: Thursday, October *, * *:* AM
To: Suzannah Owens
Subject: Re: Maintenance Requests - Sept. *
Okay anytime today and anytime tomorrow works for installation with us we will be home.
On Thu, Oct *, * at *:* AM Suzannah Owens wrote:
It is currently "out for delivery" and says it is about * stops away.
Depending on what time it arrives, we may have to coordinate installation for tomorrow.
Suzannah Jobe
QuantumPrime Realty
Office (*)*-*
* Wilshire Blvd Ste *
Beverly Hills, CA *
From: mashay mcdaniel
Sent: Thursday, October *, * *:* AM
To: Suzannah Owens
Subject: Re: Maintenance Requests - Sept. *
Hello, has the dishwasher came?
On Wed, Oct *, * at *:* PM Suzannah Owens wrote:
Hi Mashay,
It says it is set to be delivered tomorrow, but last week when it did that, the morning of it cancelled and said it was being rescheduled.
If tomorrow does not pan out I will look into ordering from somewhere else.
I'm sorry to repeat myself, but maintenance has informed me that you were again using the space next to your assigned space. Please stop using that spot.
Suzannah Jobe
QuantumPrime Realty
Office (*)*-*
* Wilshire Blvd Ste *
Beverly Hills, CA *
From: mashay mcdaniel
Sent: Wednesday, October *, * *:* PM
To: Suzannah Owens
Subject: Re: Maintenance Requests - Sept. *
Is there an ETA on the dishwasher installment?
On Wed, Oct *, * at *:* PM Suzannah Owens wrote:
Victor and Ernesto will be there at about *:30pm
Unfortunately, it was just the oven delivered and the dishwasher has been delayed. I will let you know as soon as we receive it and we will coordinate an installation time.
While we are here, if you are temporarily utilizing the empty space next to you, please please don't. My workers need the vacant apartment spaces and we also just rented the unit that is assigned that space. If it's not your car using that space, I apologize for the confusion and just disregard this note!
Suzannah Jobe
QuantumPrime Realty
Office (*)*-*
* Wilshire Blvd Ste *
Beverly Hills, CA *
Based on this conversation does Rianna and ****have a good legal case?
****and Rianna may have a strong case based on the issues listed. Here are some points that might be pertinent:
- Landlords must maintain habitable living conditions, which includes working utilities and free from health hazards.
- Persistent issues such as mold, pests, and non-functional appliances can violate habitability standards.
- The repeated failure to address these issues despite notifications can strengthen their case.
Have you consulted with a local tenant rights organization or attorney yet?
- Landlords must maintain habitable living conditions, which includes working utilities and free from health hazards.
- Persistent issues such as mold, pests, and non-functional appliances can violate habitability standards.
- The repeated failure to address these issues despite notifications can strengthen their case.
Have you consulted with a local tenant rights organization or attorney yet?
****and Rianna appear to have a strong case due to the numerous unresolved maintenance issues affecting habitability.
- Landlords must provide habitable living conditions, including working utilities and a safe environment.
- Persistent problems like mold, pests, and malfunctioning appliances suggest violations of habitability standards.
- The landlord's repeated failure to address these issues strengthens their case.
Have you considered contacting a local tenant rights organization for assistance?
- Landlords must provide habitable living conditions, including working utilities and a safe environment.
- Persistent problems like mold, pests, and malfunctioning appliances suggest violations of habitability standards.
- The landlord's repeated failure to address these issues strengthens their case.
Have you considered contacting a local tenant rights organization for assistance?