Tenant Rights In Detroit


In Detroit, landlords cannot evict Section 8 tenants for unpaid rent by the Housing Authority. Tenants should continue paying their portion of the rent and keep all payment records. If a landlord attempts to evict you for unpaid Section 8 rent, contact a local legal aid organization immediately. Unauthorized individuals cannot claim ownership or force entry into your home. If you receive an eviction notice or are taken to court, ensure you have legal representation and present your payment records as evidence. Stay informed about your rights and seek legal assistance if necessary.

Full Conversation

Someone came by my house claming they owership and to see if we where still living here then leave is that normal
Hi **** ****, this is unusual but it's not unheard of. Could you tell me where this occurred? This will help me provide more accurate information.
Well the land lord tryna evict me out my house claming i owe rent but i pay all the time its section * that owe and someone came to my house to see if we still living here say they are owership
Hello ****, it seems like you're dealing with a complex situation. Can you please specify your location so I can provide more accurate information? Also, do you have a written lease agreement with your landlord?
I been here for 11 years i have a lease but not with the landlord that tryna put me out
Hello ****, it's important to understand your rights as a tenant. The eviction process varies by location. Could you please tell me where you are currently residing so I can provide accurate information?
Hello ****, in Detroit:
- Landlords must provide proper eviction notice.
- Section * tenants have additional protections.
- A landlord cannot evict you without court process.
- Seek legal assistance if your rights are violated.
Can they evict you if section * the ones that owes
In Detroit:
- Section * tenants can't be evicted for rent not paid by the Housing Authority.
- Landlords must go through a court process to evict.
- Contact local legal aid if you receive an eviction notice.
So i can't be evicted if section * owes
Correct, ****. In Detroit, landlords can't evict Section * tenants merely because the Housing Authority hasn't paid the rent. However, if you receive an eviction notice, seek legal aid immediately.
So should i continue paying my rent
Yes, ****. You should continue paying your portion of the rent as required by your lease agreement. It's the Housing Authority's responsibility to pay their part. If they fail, it should not affect your tenancy.
What if the landlord try to put that payment on me
In Detroit, your landlord cannot force you to pay the portion of rent owed by the Housing Authority. If they attempt to, contact a local legal aid organization immediately.
So if section * owe i want be evicted no time soon
Correct, ****. In Detroit, you can't be evicted due to unpaid Section * portions by the Housing Authority. However, if you receive an eviction notice, consult with a local legal aid organization immediately.
Ok because that what they tryna say i own rent when i been paying since day one they keep putting the pressure on me to pay
I understand your distress, ****. In Detroit, if you've been paying your portion of the rent, you can't be evicted just because Section * hasn't paid theirs. If you get an eviction notice, contact a legal aid organization right away.
Like they cant just put a trash can and force me out
Correct ****, a landlord cannot forcibly remove you from your home in Detroit. If such an attempt is made, you should contact the police and a local legal aid organization. Are there any other questions you have about your situation?
What if someone comes by your house saying owner ship
In Detroit:
- Unauthorized people can't force entry or claim ownership.
- If they do, contact the police.
- For legal assistance, consult a local legal aid organization.
So if they take me to court for something section * owes the landlord what happens then
In Detroit:
- Section * tenants can't be evicted for rent not paid by the Housing Authority.
- If taken to court, you'd need legal representation.
- Unpaid rent by Section * is not the tenant's responsibility.
- Consult a local legal aid organization if this happens.
So should have nothing to worry about right
Correct, ****. As long as you are paying your share of the rent, you should not be evicted for payments owed by Section *. If you are taken to court or receive an eviction notice, contact a local legal aid organization immediately.
Thank for advice i was scared
You're welcome, ****. It's understandable to be worried in such situations. Remember, you have rights as a tenant. If you face any issues, don't hesitate to contact a local legal aid organization. Stay strong!
Because they dismissed the case once now they tryna bring it back up
That seems stressful, ****. In Detroit, if a case has been dismissed previously, they need a new cause to bring it up again. Do you know why they're attempting to reopen the case?
Its for the same thing keep saying i owe
I understand that must be frustrating, ****. Do you have any documents or receipts showing that you've been making your rent payments? It's important to keep records. Answer:
I do just don't wanna be put on when i i been doing everything right
Understandable, ****. In Detroit, keep all your payment records. If an eviction case is reopened for the same reason and you have proof of payment, it will significantly help your case. Contact a local legal aid organization for guidance.
I keep just a scary situation because i been here * 11 years no problem now they keep saying am behind
I understand, ****. It's a stressful situation. Remember, as long as you've been paying your share, they can't evict you for Section *'s debt. Do you have any other questions, or is there anything else you're worried about?
Yea i been paying my half always do
That's good, ****. Keep doing so and maintain all your payment records. Are there any other concerns you have related to this situation?
That's it just was a scary just need a little help understanding
I'm glad I could help, ****. Understanding your rights as a tenant can be a bit confusing but remember, you can't be evicted for debts owed by Section *. If you have more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Stay strong!
Can i keep reaching out if i have more question about the situation
Absolutely, ****. Feel free to reach out anytime you have more questions. We're here to assist you with your legal concerns.
I hope its not a problem
Of course not, ****. It's our job to assist you. Feel free to reach out anytime you have more questions or uncertainties. Don't forget to keep your documents and payment records safe. Stay strong!
Thank you so along as section * owes they can't evict me right
Correct, ****. In Detroit, landlords cannot evict Section * tenants just because the Housing Authority hasn't paid their portion of the rent. Always keep your payment records for safety.
I mean they pay they part but they saying i owe more and tryna put the problem on me saying am suppose to pay
****, have you received any official documentation stating that you owe more than your usual portion of the rent? It's important to understand the basis of their claim.
Last question if they say am behind on rent and i been paying since i been here * a while everything should be ok
Yes, ****. If you've been consistently paying your portion of the rent, you should be fine. In Detroit, you can't be evicted for rent Section * owes. Always keep your payment records as proof. If you receive an eviction notice, seek legal aid.
Ok ill come back u help me alot just was worried almost cried also
I understand your situation is very stressful, ****. Remember, as a Section * tenant in Detroit, you're protected. Maintain your payment records and reach out to a local legal aid organization if you're served with an eviction notice. I'm here to help whenever you need.
Appreciate it u gave me alot of help
You're very welcome, ****. I'm glad I could provide some guidance. Remember, you have rights as a tenant. Keep all your payment records and don't hesitate to reach out to a local legal aid organization if needed. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have more questions in the future. Stay strong!
I will try my best too
That's the spirit, ****! Just remember, you're not alone in this situation. There are resources and organizations ready to help. Keep paying your portion of the rent, maintain your records, and reach out for legal help if needed. Don't hesitate to contact us again if you have more questions.
Ok i will do yall have a number as well
I'm sorry for the confusion, ****. As FreeLawChat, we operate solely online and don't have a phone number. However, you can reach out to us anytime here, and we'll do our best to provide you with the legal information you need.
Ok thank you imma try an stay positive hoping they don't knock on my door with a summons
You're welcome, ****. Staying positive is key. Remember, if you receive a summons, it's crucial to respond and seek legal help. As a Section * tenant in Detroit, you have rights. Feel free to reach out if you need more information in the future.
I should be ok if the judge let me talk in court i know what to say
It's great to hear that you're prepared, ****. Just remember, in court, it's critical to present evidence such as payment records. If you're unsure about anything, don't hesitate to consult with a legal aid organization. Do you have any more questions or concerns?
Thats if they let me talk
****, it's important to know that you should have the opportunity to present your case in court, including speaking and providing evidence. If you're unsure, you could consider legal representation. Have you thought about obtaining legal assistance for your court appearance?
Ok i have everything and i wanna talk i think i could win it because i don't owe section * does
That's a great attitude, ****! As long as you have all your payment records and can prove you've fulfilled your obligations, you should be well-prepared. Remember to consult with a legal aid organization if you need further guidance.
So at the end of the day they can't evict an just keep living life
Correct, ****. In Detroit, as a Section * tenant who has been paying your portion of the rent, you cannot be evicted due to unpaid rent by the Housing Authority. If you face any issues, contact a local legal aid organization. Stay positive!