Tenant Eviction Legalities Explored


The user is a tenant facing eviction in California. The lease was originally signed by the users deceased mother, and the landlord had instructed the user to sign the lease as if they were the mother. The eviction notice was served for non-payment of $45.21, and the user has been dealing with finalizing the mothers estate. The user has filed a response to the eviction notice within the stipulated time and is awaiting a court date. The user has evidence of email communication with the landlord.

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Nice to meet you, Michelle. Could you please describe the legal issue you're facing?
I'm sorry to hear that, Michelle. Are you the tenant or the landlord in this situation?
Can you provide more details about the eviction notice you received?
The landlord sent the notice in my dead mothers name as she was the only tenant listed.
Did you continue to live in the property after your mother's passing and did you inform the landlord about her death?
Yes and yes. But my mom didnt sign th lease agreement. Thenlamdlord told me sign it as though it was my mom signing it
Did you sign the lease agreement as your mother after her passing?
General Information:
- Signing a lease on behalf of a deceased person could potentially be considered fraud.
- It's important to consult with a local attorney for advice.
Jo prior to. Necause the lndlord told me to
Did you have any written or recorded communication with the landlord about this? It's important to have evidence in such cases.
Yes. I have email comkunicatuin
That's helpful. Can you share the content of the email communication without revealing any personal information?
Imy mom filled out the application. She signed it. We alsi emailed her social and her driverslicwnses
What was the landlord's response to the email you sent with your mother's information?
All have her signature.
What was the reason given for eviction in the notice you received?
What is the amount of payment that is due according to the eviction notice?
Weve been dealingnwith finalizing her estate
What is the total amount due according to the eviction notice?
*.* is the amounr claimed
What is the deadline given in the eviction notice for you to pay the due amount?
It had passed before i even got the papers in August
What date was the eviction notice issued and when did you receive it?
Notice dated */*. Filed */*
Have you been able to make any payments towards the amount due since receiving the eviction notice?
I wasntnserved unti the day afternlabor day and filed mynreaponse on9/*
What was the response from the court after you filed your response?
I was withib the 10 days.
What was the outcome of your response to the court?
I was told the plaintiff had to request a cOurt date and then i would be notified vial mail ofnthat date
What state are you in? This will help me provide more accurate information about the eviction process in your area.
What is the current status of your case? Have you received a court date yet?
General Information:
- In California, tenants have the right to fight an eviction.
- Legal aid may be available for low-income individuals facing eviction.
What is the current status of your eviction case in Oroville, CA?