Eviction Due To Late Rent


In Quebec, eviction due to rent delay is not automatic. The landlord must prove to the Tribunal Administratif du Logement that you frequently pay late. The judge will consider the circumstances before making a decision. Consider hiring a lawyer for the hearing.

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I am a new immigrant and I don't speak English or French. I came to Canada alone and have lived in an apartment at * rue Sherbrooke est for more than 3 years. Because of the language barrier, I don't know much about the rental laws in Canada. In March this year, our apartment was owned by a new rental company. Some time ago, the company took me to court for being late for rent and late for April rent for more than * weeks. They wanted to collect the rent and terminate my contract. During the period when I was late for rent, no one from them came to communicate with me or contact me to collect the rent. I found a letter of complaint from the court on the day when I paid the rent for the month I owed and the rent for the next month. The rent required to be paid was *$ higher than my actual rent. I don't know what's going on (my actual rent is * per month, but the rent they asked for in the letter is *$) even though I paid the rent ($*) and prepaid the arrears for June and July in May. The company landlord still has not withdrawn my case and seems to insist on canceling my lease (I have received a hearing notice). I am a low-income person who works part-time while studying, and I don’t want my lease to be canceled. I paid the rent late because I was too busy and really forgot. And no one reminded me of this during this period. Even after I pay the rent in arrears and prepay the rent, will I still face the result of the lease being canceled and being evicted? What should I do?
Hello Rose,
In Quebec, eviction due to rent delay is not automatic. In case of a hearing:
- The landlord must prove to the Tribunal Administratif du Logement that you frequently pay late.
- The judge will consider the circumstances before making a decision.
Consider hiring a lawyer for the hearing.