Unlawful Eviction And Discrimination


The user, a tenant in Ohio, believes they are being wrongfully evicted and discriminated against. They were part of a rapid rehousing program through a domestic violence shelter and were told there was no funding, which they believe was a lie. They have health and mental health issues and fear they will be homeless. They claim to have evidence, including emails and witnesses, to support their allegations. They also believe they have been treated unfairly compared to other tenants.

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Welk thats allot to explain fslse eviction discrimination and my rights have been violated and landlord tenant
What state are you in, ****? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding landlord-tenant laws and eviction procedures.
What specific actions did your landlord take that you believe violated your rights?
Well o was in the rapid rehousing program though the domestic violence shelter and i was lied too told there was no funding i was l ed to by community action i have all emails all documents and witness to prove what im saying is true
What specific rights do you believe were violated in your case?
I have health issues and mental health issues and im being wrongfullu evicted And will be homeless
What is the reason your landlord provided for your eviction? In Ohio, landlords must have a legal reason to evict tenants.
Well the no funding was a lie i am o. Rapid rehousing and this was planned out
What evidence do you have to support your claim that the eviction was planned out? In Ohio, landlords must provide a valid reason for eviction.