Eviction Record Duration Illinois


Eviction records in Illinois typically remain for seven years. If your eviction occurred in May 2017, it should be cleared by May 2024. However, specific circumstances might affect this timeframe. Sealing an eviction record usually prevents it from appearing in public searches, but it might still be visible to some landlords or agencies. Consulting a legal professional is recommended for accurate and personalized advice.

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If I hit an eviction in may * when will eviction be up
****, could you provide me with your location? Eviction laws and their reporting period can vary depending on the region or state.
In Illinois, an eviction can stay on your record for up to seven years. Given that your eviction was in May *, it may remain on your record until May *. Please consult with a legal professional for personalized advice.
So I applied for an apartment but eviction showed on tenant screening but I got my record sealed
In Illinois, sealing an eviction record means it shouldn't appear on public searches. However, it might still be visible to some landlords or agencies. It's recommended to consult a legal professional for further advice.
May * til may * will my eviction be up cause has it been 7 years
In Illinois, an eviction record typically stays for seven years, which means your eviction from May * would be up in May *. However, individual cases may vary, so consulting with a legal professional is advised.
What do you mean it may vary
When I say "it may vary," it means that while generally, an eviction stays on record for seven years, specific circumstances could potentially lengthen or shorten this period. For example, landlord leniency or a legal error could affect this timeframe.
Will an eviction show after your 7year point mark
In Illinois, typically, an eviction wouldn't show on your record after the *-year mark. However, it might still be visible to certain agencies or in certain circumstances. Consulting with a legal professional is recommended for accurate information.