Carpet Replacement Request Guide


In California, landlords must maintain rental properties in habitable condition, including flooring. If your carpet is in poor condition despite regular cleanings, your landlord may be obligated to replace it. You can email the rental agency, detailing the carpets condition and citing California law. Offering to share costs can be a goodwill gesture, but normal wear and tear is typically the landlords responsibility. Emailing provides a written record; contact the rental agency office rather than maintenance for replacement decisions.

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Im a renter in california. Ive lived in my house for 13 years. My carpets despite carpet cleanings every 6 months, they are lifting from the sides throughtout my house. Its also shredding apart. I want to replace my carpet to some type of vinyl flooring or replace the carpets. Does the rental agency have to pay for it or should i offer to pay for it?
In California, landlords are responsible for maintaining the rental property in habitable condition. This includes:
- Ensuring the property is safe and structurally sound
- Providing adequate heating and plumbing systems
- Maintaining floors in good condition
Given this, your landlord may be obligated to replace the carpet if it's in poor condition. However, this can depend on specific circumstances.
How can i email my agency requesting
You could write an email stating the condition of the carpet and how it is impacting your living experience. You can also mention California's laws about maintaining the property in a habitable state. Be polite and ask if they would consider replacing the carpet.
Should i offer to pay? I dont want to get kicked out but 13 years of being here theres going to be wear and tear
You could offer to share the costs as a gesture of goodwill. However, under California law, normal wear and tear is typically the landlord's responsibility. Be sure to document everything for your protection.
Can you help me w writing up email
Sure, ****. Here's a draft:
Subject: Request for Carpet Replacement in Rental Property
Dear [Rental Agency],
I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to bring to your attention the condition of the carpet in my home. Despite regular cleanings, it is lifting from the sides and shredding apart, impacting my living experience.
As per California law, maintaining the property in a habitable state is the landlord's responsibility. Therefore, I kindly request you to consider replacing the carpet. I'd be willing to discuss sharing the costs as a gesture of goodwill.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Is it appropriate to email or a phone call is better? Do i contact maintensnce or the office
An email is appropriate because it provides a written record. Contact the rental agency office. Maintenance teams usually handle immediate repairs, not replacement decisions.