Tenant Mold Dispute Resolution


If a tenant faces unresolved maintenance issues like mold, they should document complaints and gather evidence. Written notices and medical records linking health issues to mold exposure can strengthen their case. Consulting a local attorney for personalized advice is recommended.

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I had co signed for my daughter for her apartment. During the time she lived at those apartments, she had several maintenance issues. She had notified them in regards to leaks, ants, and black mold. They did nothing to fix the leaks and the mold. So my daughter gave them notice, letting them know she was moving out a month early due to her health issues that she was having o er the mold.
Did your daughter document her complaints and the landlord's lack of response? This could be crucial in a potential legal dispute.
The management never got back to her. She later received a bill for the last month. She tried calling them several times and they would not get back to her.
Did your daughter take any photos or gather any evidence of the mold and other issues in the apartment? This could be useful in a potential legal dispute.
Now, today, I got a call from a collector, trying to collect that money.
Did your daughter keep any written records of her complaints to the management? This could be crucial in a potential legal dispute.
Yes, she took a picture of her bathroom ceiling. Spots of mold remained.
Did your daughter send a written notice to the landlord about moving out early due to the mold issue?
Yes, she sent them a letter. I have a screen shot of the letter
Did your daughter also inform the landlord about her health issues caused by the mold in the apartment?
Did your daughter consult a doctor for her health issues and does she have any medical records that link her health issues to the mold exposure?
I don't think so, she was reacting with headaches.
Did your daughter seek any medical attention for her headaches? It could be helpful to establish a link between her health issues and the mold exposure.