Lease Responsibility After Separation


In Florida, if both names are on a lease, both parties are generally responsible for the rent. The landlord has the right to pursue either party for any unpaid rent. It is advisable to consult with a local attorney to discuss your specific options and obligations under the lease agreement.

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Husband left. 3 months left on jointly signed lease. Is he legally responsible for all or half of remaining rent?
Hello Tilese, to provide you with the most accurate information, could you please let me know the location where the lease agreement was signed? Different jurisdictions may have different laws regarding shared responsibilities on leases.
Orlando, FL
Hello Tilese, in Florida,
- If both names are on the lease, both parties are usually responsible for the rent.
- The landlord can pursue either party for unpaid rent.
- It's advisable to consult with a local attorney to discuss your options.