Landlord Refuses Voucher Exit


If you owe rent and your landlord refuses to sign your rental assistance voucher exit package, it can complicate your situation, especially if you face eviction. The landlords refusal to sign may be contingent on the balance owed, which you dispute and are addressing through small claims court. Its crucial to understand your rights and the specific laws in your state. Consulting a local attorney specializing in landlord-tenant law can provide personalized advice and help you navigate this complex issue.

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So I owe my landlord rent and I'm currently under a rental assistance voucher. My landlord served me a notice to quit as well as she suing me through court for the balance which I already have an answer date for. But she is refusing a sign my voucher exit package even though she gave me a notice to quit and if I stay past that day I will get an eviction we will cause me to lose my voucher. JD and Amelia stated they cannot let me move unless she signs that and her attorney refused to sign that until the balances paid but I'm not going to pay a balance that I do not owe is why I'm going through small claims court and I already have the paper. I'm not sure what to do
Hello ****, I understand your situation. Could you tell me where you're located? The rules may vary depending on your location.