Eviction Notice Discrepancies


The tenant received a 30-day eviction notice without a valid reason. The landlord claimed to have sold the property, but the eviction notice was still in his name. The tenant was confused about the ownership of the property and sought legal advice. The tenant prepared to present evidence in court, including a text message from the landlord stating he no longer owned the property. The tenant also attempted to verify the current ownership of the property through public records but was unsuccessful. The tenant planned to contact the Washoe County Recorders Office for assistance.

Full Conversation

Landlord and tenant issues, I am the tenant of 7 years, received a 30 day eviction notice
What is the reason given for the eviction notice, ****?
No cause, Landlord stated he is currently selling the home, then stated as of today that the home was sold
What state are you currently residing in, ****? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information regarding your rights as a tenant.
What is the exact date you received the eviction notice?

In Nevada, a landlord can give a "no cause" notice only after the first year of tenancy. They must provide a *-day notice for monthly tenants.
the 25th of June
What is the date you are expected to vacate the premises? In Nevada, landlords must provide a *-day notice for monthly tenants.
The 25th of August
It seems there's a discrepancy in the notice period. In Nevada, a *-day notice is required. If you received the notice on June 25th, you should vacate by July 25th, not August 25th.
I meant July My apologies.
No problem, ****. Have you considered seeking legal advice to ensure your rights as a tenant are protected?
They all are asking for money, I dont have. I am confused because the landlord states that he does not own the home anymore, but the eviction notice is in his name still, I have court tomorrow to fight for more time, I am not fighting for the home, I want to get out, but I dont have enough time
Have you informed the court about your financial situation and the confusion regarding the ownership of the home?

- In Nevada, tenants can request a stay of eviction due to hardship.
- Las Vegas Justice Court, * Lewis Ave, Las Vegas, NV *, (*) *-*.
Yes, they are confused also
What evidence do you have to present in court regarding your financial situation and the confusion about the home's ownership?
The evidence that I have is the fact that when we got told about this situation back in June we started looking into buying our home, have fixed our credit , have started talking to a relator, and much more to be able to get into our new place, we have been saving up so every penny we have has to go to a new home for me and my family, we have a text from the landlord stating that he does not own the home any longer
Have you shared the text message from the landlord with the court? This could be crucial evidence. In Nevada, only the property owner or their agent can issue an eviction notice.
I called them as soon as we received that text and they did not know what to do other than tell me to proceed to court tomorrow and see what the judge says
What is the name and location of the court you are expected to appear in tomorrow?
Canal Township Justice Court
What is the address of Canal Township Justice Court?
* E Main Street Fernley NV *
Canal Township Justice Court's contact details are: * E Main Street Fernley NV *, Phone: (*) *-*. Make sure to present all your evidence.
so is what my landlord did illegal ?
In Nevada, only the property owner or their agent can issue an eviction notice. If your landlord no longer owns the property, the eviction notice may be invalid.
and the new owner has to provide one correct ?
Yes, in Nevada, if the property changes ownership, the new owner must provide a valid eviction notice.
how long does it normally take for the paperwork to go through for a relator to buy a house? the person who I guess owns the house now is a relator and I am wondering if the landlord just got confused and is under the assumption that everything is done, isnt there a process to buy a home even for a relator?
Yes, even for a realtor, the home buying process involves several steps including offer, acceptance, inspection, and closing, which can take around *-45 days.
we have not gotten an inspection at all, but he is stating that this person already owns the home.
Have you received any official documents or notices from the new owner or realtor claiming ownership of the property?
Not at all, we only got told VIA text from the landlord himself
Have you checked the public records to confirm the current ownership of the property?
Everything is saying Oct *, *
What does the public record from Oct *, * indicate about the ownership of the property?
It is not showing me, do you happen to have a website so I can check it out
You can check property ownership records at the Washoe County Recorder's Office website: www.washoecounty.us/recorder/.
Give me one second to check it out
Sure, take your time. Let me know if you need any further assistance.
Nothing is coming up when I try to search my address
Are you sure you're entering the correct address? If you're still having trouble, you might want to consider visiting the Washoe County Recorder's Office in person for assistance.
Have you tried contacting the Washoe County Recorder's Office directly for assistance? Their contact details are: * E 9th St, Reno, NV *, Phone: (*) *-*.
I will give them a call
That sounds like a good plan, ****. They should be able to assist you in verifying the current ownership of the property.
Thank you so much I really appreciate your help
You're welcome, ****. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your case.
What is the correct website to go to for public records for a house look up in Nevada
You can access public records for a house in Nevada through the Clark County Assessor's Office website. Here is the link: http://www.clarkcountynv.gov/assessor/Pages/default.aspx
Lyon county
For Lyon County, Nevada, you can access public records through the Lyon County Assessor's Office website. Here is the link: http://www.lyon-county.org/*/Assessor.
I need to search who owns a house in lyon county nevada how do I get to the public records
You can search for property ownership in Lyon County, Nevada, by visiting the Lyon County Assessor's Office website. Here is the link: http://www.lyon-county.org/*/Assessor.
That did not work
I'm sorry to hear that. Have you tried using the "Property Search" feature on the Lyon County Assessor's website?
How long does a party have to pay a stipulation after settling in court from an injury lawsuit in Nevada
What is the specific time frame mentioned in your settlement agreement for the payment of the stipulation?

In Nevada, typically, the payment should be made within *-30 days after the settlement agreement is signed.
They did not give me a date
In Nevada, if no specific date is mentioned in the settlement agreement, the payment should generally be made within 30 days. Please consult your attorney for precise information.
If my attorney stated 10 days after the stipulation was started does this mean I will be getting my check in 10 days?
Yes, if your attorney stated 10 days, you should expect your check within that timeframe. However, it's always good to confirm with your attorney.
What if the other party that I sued is not in town and they fail to send the check?
What does your settlement agreement say about late payments or non-compliance? In general, if the party fails to pay, you may need to return to court to enforce the settlement.
it does not say anything about late payments
What is the name of the court where your case was settled? This information can help us provide you with the appropriate contact details for further assistance.
I dont know I know it is in Reno Nevada
The nearest court in Reno, Nevada is the Second Judicial District Court. You can contact them at (*) *-* for more information about your case.
is there a website I can find my case?
Yes, you can find your case on the Nevada's Second Judicial District Court's website. Here is the link: https://www.washoecourts.com/Query/CaseInformation
In the state of Nevada what does it mean when an injury stipulation states this stipulation does not become in effect pursuant to NRS 616D. * (*)(b), until * working days after the date of the order in which the appeals officer adopts the terms of this stipulation?
Did the injury occur at work? NRS 616D.*(*)(b) pertains to workers' compensation claims in Nevada. The stipulation becomes effective * working days after the appeals officer's order.
it did
What is the nature of your injury and how has it affected your ability to work?
I can not lift anything heavy they still do not know what is wrong with me, I needed to settle so I can get my PCP back and get this fixed
Have you filed a workers' compensation claim in Nevada?

General Information:
- In Nevada, workers' compensation covers medical treatment and lost wages.
- Contact: Nevada Department of Business & Industry, (*) *-*.
the company denied it , so with this stipulation settlement and stating * working days does this mean that it gets filed and I get my money in 10 days?
Did you appeal the company's denial of your workers' compensation claim?

General Information:
- In Nevada, after an appeal, the stipulation becomes effective * working days post the appeals officer's order.
- Contact: Nevada Department of Business & Industry, (*) *-*.
no, the company I got hurt with denied my claim. With the * working days, does this mean I am going to get my money in 10 days or they are going to start working on it in * Days
The * working days typically refer to when the stipulation becomes effective, not necessarily when you'll receive compensation. Have you consulted with a lawyer about this?
My lawyer does not get back to me. so after the 10 days, how long does the company have to pay me
What is the exact wording of the stipulation regarding payment in your settlement agreement?
Stipulated Settlement Agreement and Order
What is the exact date of the order in which the appeals officer adopted the terms of your stipulation?
it doesnt say, on the top it is stamped Aug *, *
What is the date today? This will help us calculate the * working days from the date of the order.
Have you received any communication from the company or the appeals officer after the order was stamped on August *, *?

General Information:
- In Nevada, the company typically has 14 days to make the payment after the stipulation becomes effective.
- Contact: Nevada Department of Business & Industry, (*) *-*.
How much would it cost in Nevada to get a power of attorney to sign for a house? My Co signer is not in state
What is the exact location of the house in Nevada? The cost for a power of attorney can vary depending on the location and complexity of the case.
The cost for a Power of Attorney in Yerington, Nevada can vary. It's best to consult with a local attorney. Lyon County District Court: *-*-*, * Harvey Way, Yerington, NV *.
How does a power of attorney work when signing for a home, my co singer is not in state but I still need things signed
What type of Power of Attorney (POA) do you have? In California, a Durable Power of Attorney can be used to sign legal documents on behalf of the principal.
I am in Nevada
What type of document does your co-signer need to sign? In Nevada, a Durable Power of Attorney can be used to sign legal documents on behalf of the principal.
Home loan
What is the name of the bank or financial institution providing the home loan? In Nevada, a Durable Power of Attorney can be used to sign home loan documents.
Rocket morgage
What is the full name and contact details of your co-signer? In Nevada, a Durable Power of Attorney can be used to sign home loan documents for Rocket Mortgage.
I am not sure
Can you provide any more details about the eviction notice you received? It's important to understand the specifics to determine if it was indeed unlawful.