Landlord Eviction Notice Rules


Landlords generally cannot force tenants to move out without a valid reason or proper notice. Review your lease agreement and consult a local attorney or housing authority for specific advice.

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Winston James
Hello Winston James! How can I assist you today with your legal issue?
Having issues with landlord
I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with your landlord, Winston James. Can you please provide more details about the specific problem you're facing?
We first started out where he asked us did we want to by this house we are renting so we said yes so he brought in a guy to look at the house to see what had to be fixed now he's want us out by Aug * can he do that
Has your landlord provided any reason for wanting you to move out by August 15th?
No no more than he said we couldn't be here when they work on the house and us to move all of our stuff out
I'm not a lawyer, but I can try to help. It's important to review your lease agreement. In general, landlords can't force tenants to move out without a valid reason or proper notice. You may want to consult with a local attorney or your local housing authority for specific advice.