Landlord Documentation Dispute Missouri


Missouri landlords are not required to provide backup documentation for move-out charges. If disputed, tenants can request debt validation from collections agencies and dispute the debt within 30 days. Legal counsel may be necessary.

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Is a landlord in Missouri required to provide back up documentation to charges on a move out statement if requested?
Hello ****,
In Missouri, landlords are not specifically required to provide back up documentation for charges on a move-out statement. However, if you dispute these charges, you may take it to small claims court, where the landlord would need to provide evidence.
I have disputed the charges and the landlord has explicitly refused to provide me with the backup documentation requested. Now the account is going to collections.
Hi ****,
As per Missouri law, if a landlord refuses to provide documentation and the issue goes to collections, you have the right to:
*. Request validation of the debt from the collections agency.
*. Dispute the debt within 30 days.
*. Obtain an attorney if needed.
Remember, collections agencies must provide proof of the debt.