Tenant Rights For Damages


Landlords are responsible for maintaining rental properties and compensating tenants for damages due to negligence. Tenants can sue landlords in small claims court for damages up to $5000. Consult a local attorney or contact Camden County Court for more guidance.

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I live in an apartment in Camden,NJ... A few weeks back a portion of the ceiling in the kitchen collapsed. The landlord had the ceiling fixed however the mess that was created was left for me to clean up... Cabinets, appliances, everything in the cabinets, my dishes, had to throw food away from the cabinets as well as the fridge and freezer... The people that fixed it also used some of my stuff and left it messed up... They also broke a clock on the wall and hid it in a cabinet as well as a few other things... The landlord told me to call them about that... There is holes in the flashing outside snd animals run through the ceiling above as well which is what I believe cause the problem... She is aware however did not handle the issue .. I have spent about $* out of pocket as well as my time... How should I proceed with this situation?
Hello Stephen. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Based on New Jersey law:
- Landlords are generally responsible for maintaining rental properties.
- They should also compensate tenants for damages due to their negligence.
- Tenants can sue landlords in small claims court for damages up to $*.
Please consult a local attorney or contact Camden County Court for more assistance.