Tenant Safety Concerns Texas


Landlords in Texas must ensure properties are secure. If security issues are reported and not addressed, tenants may have grounds for a lawsuit. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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I stay in a apartment complex my neighbor next-door, which is 77 years old Thursday morning two black guys knocked on the door stormed in with guns demanding money 3 months ago at the same lady apartment next door to me I young black guy got mad because her granddaughter didn’t want to come out to talk to him he had a rag in his pocket nd say it on her rubber doormat nd caught it on fire I happen to step out side rushing next door took my shirt off to smother the fire then we called the police this complex has no security surveillance I feel unsafe can I win a eviction case due to that
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Can you please tell me which state you live in? Laws regarding landlord responsibilities for tenant safety vary by location.
Galveston County
Hello ****, in Texas:
- Landlords have a duty to ensure properties are secure.
- If you've notified them about the security issues and nothing's done, you may have grounds for a lawsuit.
- Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
Hello ****, in Texas:
- Landlords are required to ensure properties are secure.
- If you've reported security issues and they've not been addressed, you may have a case for a lawsuit.
- Consider consulting a local attorney for personalized advice.