Landlord Entry Notice Requirements


Landlords in West Virginia must provide a 24-hour notice before entering a tenants apartment for non-emergency reasons. If they enter without notice and its not an emergency, it could be a violation of tenant rights. Communicate concerns about pets to your landlord and consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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In west virginia can my landlord send anyone into my apartment without telling me if i have a dog in the apartment?
In West Virginia, landlords should provide reasonable notice before entering your property for routine maintenance or inspections. However, in emergencies, they can enter without notice. It's best to communicate your concern about your dog to your landlord.
What if they did without giving notice and it wasnt an emergency
In West Virginia:
- Landlords must give you a *-hour notice for non-emergency entry.
- If they enter without notice and it's not an emergency, it could be a violation of your rights.
Please consult a local attorney for advice.