Security Deposit Return Request
In a restraining order hearing, focus on the order itself, but briefly mention the security deposit if needed. Present bank statements and rent portal screenshots as evidence. Consider filing a separate small claims case for the deposit issue, especially if the landlord has changed. Seek guidance on filing a small claims case in California for a more thorough resolution.Full Conversation
yes I have a screenshot of my rent portal showing the same day I took the withdraw out it was credited to my rent portal
In a restraining order hearing, the primary focus should be on the restraining order itself. However, if you must mention the security deposit, you can present the following:
- "Your Honor, I request my half of the security deposit be returned. I have bank statements showing the withdrawal and a screenshot of my rent portal credit on the same day."
Do you have any written communication with your landlord regarding the security deposit?
No because the landlord has changed since then, but the other party on the lease that I am getting a restraint order against is not a legal US resident and could not have given a cashiers check to the property management, therefore proving the cashiers check had t come from me
In your restraining order hearing, the main focus should be on the order itself. However, you can briefly mention the security deposit issue if necessary. You might also consider filing a separate small claims case to address the security deposit matter more thoroughly.
Would you like guidance on how to file a small claims case in California?