Tenant Eviction Misunderstanding


The user is a tenant in Pennsylvania facing eviction due to alleged fraud. The landlord claims the tenant provided misleading information about their employment. The misunderstanding arose from a letter provided by an HR representative, which contained incorrect employment dates. The tenant has had two hearings with the housing authority, both resulting in eviction. The tenant is now preparing for a court hearing and is seeking legal advice on how to present their case. They have call logs, emails, and texts as evidence of their communication with their employer and the HR representative. The tenant is also seeking legal representation for their case.

Full Conversation

Need a landlord tentant attorney
Which state are you currently residing in? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.
What specific issue are you facing with your landlord or tenant?
Are you the landlord or the tenant in this eviction situation?
What is the reason your landlord is trying to evict you?

In Pennsylvania, landlords must provide a written notice before eviction. The notice period varies depending on the lease violation.
for fraud
What type of fraud is your landlord accusing you of?

In Pennsylvania, fraud can be a valid reason for eviction. However, the landlord must provide proof.
she said I provided misleading information regarding employment
What was the misleading information about your employment that you allegedly provided?

In Pennsylvania, providing false information on a rental application can be grounds for eviction.
I received a letter from my employer stating I wasn’t working a certain date but I was still receiving pay
Did you inform your landlord about this misunderstanding with your employer? In Pennsylvania, clear communication can sometimes resolve such issues.
What was your landlord's response after you explained the misunderstanding with your employer?
she told me initially that I would not be evicted, but then she turns around and evict me
Did you receive a written eviction notice from your landlord? In Pennsylvania, landlords must provide a written notice before eviction.
I did receive a written notice from my landlord, I put in an appeal with my landlord
What was the outcome of your appeal with your landlord?

In Pennsylvania, tenants have the right to appeal an eviction notice. The court will then decide on the matter.
The evictions stood I put in for a formal hearing, and they said that it will stand. I was told I will have to go to court now.
What date is your court hearing? In Pennsylvania, it's crucial to attend the hearing to present your case. The Philadelphia Municipal Court handles such cases.
What evidence do you plan to present at the court hearing?

In Pennsylvania, it's important to bring all relevant documents, such as your lease agreement, payment records, and any communication with your landlord.
I have call logs and text and emails
What is the content of these call logs, texts, and emails? They could be crucial in proving your case. In Pennsylvania, evidence of communication can be used in court.
phone records indicating I tried contacting my office manager prior to receiving retro rent and also me contacting my employer about a letter and phones calls about me contacting the office manager
What was the response from your office manager or employer when you tried contacting them?

In Pennsylvania, it's important to have all your communication records as they can be used as evidence in court.
no contact from my employer regarding a letter to provide the manager. I than contacted someone from the building I worked for the management to get in contact with her regarding my work
What was the response from the management of the building you worked for when you contacted them?
The hr wrote me a letter about my work schedule and the dates she provided was incorrect
What actions have you taken since receiving the incorrect letter from HR? In Pennsylvania, it's important to correct any misinformation promptly.
The manager contacted the agency for whom I worked and they said it didn’t match there system so the manager tried to get the lady Monica fired and I told the hr from my job not to do that. Just fire me because I need a letter saying I’m no longer working
What is the reason you need a letter stating you're no longer working?

In Pennsylvania, if you're terminated, you have the right to request a service letter detailing the reasons for your termination.
The manager said she couldn’t adjust my rent without a letter
What steps have you taken to obtain this letter from your employer? In Pennsylvania, you have the right to request a service letter detailing the reasons for your termination.
I contacted the employer and told them not to fired Monica because of the miscommunication to termination me. My job termination me for fraud for the letter Monica wrote and now housing wants to evict me for the inleading information
What was the content of the letter that Monica wrote which led to your termination and subsequent eviction?
What was the content of the letter that Monica wrote which led to your termination and subsequent eviction?
me and my children will now be homeless because of this letter
What specific information was in the letter that Monica wrote which led to your termination and subsequent eviction?
monica wrote I didn’t work as of February when it wasn’t until May and I was owed back payments for previous shifts I worked but she had to email my job for my job to pay me so it was still being showed that I was working
What actions have you taken since discovering the discrepancy in the dates Monica wrote in the letter?
their was nothing I could do as far as the job because I asked Monica to help me and wrote me a letter for housing. And since I provided the letter to housing I was taking accountability for my actions of turning the information in.
What was the response from your housing authority when you explained the situation and the discrepancy in Monica's letter?
my manager told me I should of just told her I worked when I contacted her in March about my job and she wanted to asked me about my neighbors throwing bleach on each other. After we talked about that she told me she would contact me about my rent. She never did. But she asked me to email her pictures for the bleach incident. If they’re there anytime I can’t take her she wanted me to be an informant and when I told her I don’t know anything about any of that that’s when I start receiving addiction notices.
What was the exact content of the eviction notice you received from your landlord?
That I was being evicted for providing a fraudulent letter regarding employment
What steps have you taken since receiving the eviction notice?
I had two hearing with housing and they told me I had to leave
What was the outcome of the hearings with the housing authority?
What is your plan for the upcoming court hearing?
to explain to them how the management Amie told me that it was nothing I could do without a letter and when contacted her stating my job wouldn’t give me one I contacted what I thought would be the next best thing which is Monica and because Monica didn’t provide clear information it was received as misinformation and that I would never comment fraud
What evidence do you have to support your claim that Monica provided misinformation?
Monica is who provided me the letter. Her information was on the letter and if Amie would of contacted her Amie would of had a better understanding of the dates she was looking at threw the system
What steps have you taken to clarify the misinformation with both your employer and your landlord since receiving the eviction notice?
I tried to contact Amie and she told me it’s nothing she can do I have to leave.
What steps have you taken to prepare for your upcoming court hearing?
I made a timeline of the events with the text, call logs, and dates To match my timeline
What specific documents or evidence are you planning to present at the court hearing to support your timeline?
call records, emails, text
What specific information do these call records, emails, and texts contain that could support your case?
call logs support the dates I contacted my employer and office manager from housing. And also call logs to and from Monica regarding the letter. And also emails that was sent to the office manager about her wanting me to tell on people but never did her job with providing me a rental adjustment
What was the content of the emails you sent to the office manager regarding her wanting you to inform on others?
I sent pictures of the bleach in the hallway and also neighbors were in the pictures provided
What was the response from the office manager after you sent the pictures of the bleach incident and the neighbors?
nothing both neighbors are still here. In fact the neighbors across the hallway put in a transfer for a * bedroom apartment and she was told she was moving to my house. Instead she moved me in and the neighbors were still there and the girl across the hall now lives about the management office in her new * bedroom
What actions have you taken since discovering that your neighbors were not moved as promised by the office manager?
Nothing I have nothing to do with the neighbors. Amie wanted me to tell on them I provided information and nothing happened to them but since than I been contacting her about my rent and my job she never said anything back but than told me she need a letter. And once I gave her the letter I told her that she needed to contact the lady from the job to understand the letter. She contacted the employer instead and it didn’t match because it was back pay no actual labor
What was the content of the letter you provided to Amie?
What specific information did the letter you provided to Amie contain about your workdays?
The dates I last worked
What were the specific dates mentioned in the letter that you last worked?
February *
What steps have you taken to correct the misinformation about your last working dates with your employer and your landlord?
the landlord told me I committed fraud and I was being evicted
What evidence do you have to prove that the information you provided was not fraudulent but a misunderstanding?
What specific evidence or documents do you have from Monica that could help prove the misunderstanding?
What specific information do these texts from Monica contain that could help prove the misunderstanding?
I texted Monica and told her I didn’t receive my pay and asked what was happening she told me to stay home until I received my pay because she emailed my job and they didn’t pay me until after the dates I were supposed to be paid
What was the response from your employer when Monica emailed them about your pay issue?
They said me and Monica was going to be terminated and I told my job no I am responsible for turning in the letter to housing. I should be penalized in at Monica, so my employer told me that I will be terminated for providing house in the letter that was an accurate.
What was the exact content of the termination letter you received from your employer?
The letter, stating that I provided fraudulent information to the Housing Authority, and that I admit it to my employer, that I wrote the letter
What steps have you taken since receiving the termination letter from your employer?
I’ll try to contact my employer to still receive an accurate letter and I was unable to receive wants to
What was the response from your employer when you tried to contact them for an accurate letter?
I never received a letter to this day
What steps have you taken to get legal representation for your upcoming court hearing?
I tried contacting landlord, tenant lawyers so far I had no luck
I been calling around and ask you for help
What specific help are you seeking from us regarding your upcoming court hearing?
i need legal help
What specific legal help are you seeking? Are you looking for representation in court, or advice on how to present your case?
someone who help me prove that this is not my fault and that this is a big miscommunication
What evidence do you have to prove that the misinformation was due to a misunderstanding and not intentional fraud?
me contacting my employer with no feedback and than me contacting Monica. An actual person who would be able to tell her my paydays etc
What was Monica's role at your workplace and how was she involved in your pay and employment details?
she was the staffing coordinator and was also taking over the role of HR in the building because the HR lady tremaine quit
What actions did Monica take to clarify the misunderstanding about your employment details with your landlord and employer?
she haven’t be able to contact amie
What steps have you taken to get Monica's help in clarifying the misunderstanding with your landlord, Amie?
i tired calling Amie with monica and Amie wouldn’t answer or didn’t want to talk
What was the response from Monica when Amie didn't answer or want to talk?
she told me to go have a conversation with Amie and I did in person and Amie told me thank you for coming to talk to her she told me she wouldn’t evict me and a month later she put an eviction notice on my door. I asked Amie why and ask her what made her Change her mind she told me she wasn’t going to argue with me I had appeal it
What evidence do you have of your in-person conversation with Amie where she assured you that she wouldn't evict you?
It was word of mouth and when we talked about it in the first hearing she said she never said that she doesn’t remember this conversation that took place
What evidence do you have to prove that the conversation with Amie took place?
they have cameras on site and also I called her and asked if I could come in the speak with her
What was the outcome of your request to speak with Amie in person, as captured by the site cameras?
she told me she wouldn’t evict me and I told her I would contact my job again and ask for a termination letter about this matter. She than told me to email her the termination letter from my employer so she could adjust my rent
What was the response from your landlord after you emailed her the termination letter from your employer?
she told me I would have a rental adjustment. On */* a rental adjustment was made on */* I talked to Amie about the adjustment and a week later on */* I received the eviction about fraud
What was the specific content of the rental adjustment that was made on */*?
thay starting */* I would not have to pay rent
What was the reason given for you not having to pay rent starting from */*?
because I was receiving welfare which I applied on */*
What was the response from the welfare office when you applied for benefits on */*?
i received pay for June and I now have benefits but because of my benefits my rent was adjusted to no rent
What was the response from your landlord when you informed them about your welfare benefits and the subsequent adjustment of your rent to no rent?
she than told me that I would not have rent as long as I received benefits from welfare. But than I received an eviction a week later after the rental adjustment
What was the specific reason given in the eviction notice you received a week after the rental adjustment?
that I was being evicted to providing false information
What specific false information did the eviction notice mention you provided?
the letter from Monica
I provided the letter that Monica wrote with the misleading information
What specific information did Monica's letter contain that was considered misleading by your landlord?
the dates that were provided
can I have help or not
What specific help are you seeking from us regarding your eviction case?
I need an attorney
I need legal advice. What should I do and what should I provide to the courts
What evidence do you have to support your claim that the eviction is due to a misunderstanding and not fraud? In Pennsylvania, it's crucial to present all relevant documents and communication records in court.