Withholding Rent In Ny


In New York, tenants can withhold rent under the warranty of habitability for severe issues like lack of heat or hot water. Loud music from other tenants is generally not a valid reason to withhold rent. Discuss the issue with your landlord or file a noise complaint with your local precinct. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Can i withhold my rent in NY if other tenants are not follwing the policy
Hello Sean, in New York, the warranty of habitability allows tenants to withhold rent in certain conditions. However, this typically applies to severe situations such as lack of heat, hot water, or other essential services. Disputes with other tenants may not qualify. It's advisable to speak with a local attorney.
Like loud music a reason
Hello Sean, while loud music can be a nuisance, it may not be a valid reason to withhold rent under New York law. You may consider discussing this with your landlord or filing a noise complaint with your local precinct.