Fraudulent Lease Eviction Appeal


The user is seeking advice on how to appeal an eviction case in New Mexico where the landlord allegedly presented a fraudulent lease. The user was advised to gather evidence of the fraudulent lease, consult with a local attorney, and present their case clearly and logically at the appeal hearing. The user was also informed about the landlords obligations, such as maintaining habitable conditions and complying with housing codes. The user was advised that they could withhold rent if the landlord failed to provide essential services, but they must notify the landlord about the issue and allow a reasonable time for repairs. The user was also informed about rent abatement, which depends on factors like the extent of disrepair, duration of disrepair, and impact on habitability.

Full Conversation

In the state of New Mexico if my landlord presented a fraudulent lease to evict me how do I ask the judge in my appeal case to dismiss the case at my hearing
Hello Jacki. You can request the judge to dismiss the eviction case based on the fraudulent lease by:
*. Presenting evidence of the fraud.
*. Submitting a motion to dismiss.
*. Addressing your arguments to the judge at your hearing.

Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.
If my landlord presented a fake or fraudulent lease when evicted me in the state of New Mexico can I ask the judge to drop the case at my appeals hearing
Yes, Jacki. You can certainly ask the judge to dismiss the eviction case if your landlord presented a fraudulent lease. Here's what you should do:
*. Gather all evidence supporting your claim.
*. Present this evidence at your appeal hearing.
*. Consult with a local attorney for further guidance.
Remember, you have the right to fight against fraudulent actions.
I have appealed my eviction case that I lost in New Mexico because my landlord presented a fraudulent lease that I never signed to evict me in the lower court how should I present my argument to the judge
To present your argument in court, you should:
*. Gather and organize all evidence showing the lease is fraudulent.
*. Consult with a lawyer for advice on presenting your case.
*. Clearly explain your situation to the judge, presenting your evidence logically.
Remember, legal representation is recommended.
At my appeals hearing for my eviction case that I did not win against my landlord how exactly do I argue that my landlord has presented a false or fraudulent lease in the lower court to evict me
In your appeal hearing, argue by:
*. Presenting evidence of fraud, like the original lease.
*. Explaining inconsistencies between the fraudulent and original lease.
*. Consulting a lawyer for guidance.
Remember, clarity and organization are key in presenting your case.
If my landlord has presented a false or fraudulent lease to evict me should I ask the judge to dismiss it at my appeal hearing in the state of New Mexico
Yes, you can ask the judge to dismiss the eviction case. Do this by:
- Presenting evidence showing the lease is fraudulent.
- Submitting a motion to dismiss based on the fraudulent lease.
- Seeking advice from a local attorney to guide you.
Remember, it's crucial to be organized and clear in your presentation.
Is it fair that my landlord has presented a false lease or fake lease that I did not sign to evict me in one but I have appealed the case what should I do
You should:
- Gather all evidence of the fraudulent lease.
- Present evidence and express your concerns clearly at the appeal hearing.
- Consult with a local attorney for specific advice.
Remember, it's essential to be organized and clear.
For further legal assistance, you can contact:

New Mexico Legal Aid

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Gold Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM *
Should my case be dismissed in the state of New Mexico for eviction if my landlord presented a false or fraudulent lease and has already won against me but I appealed the case
Ideally, if you can prove that the lease presented by your landlord is fraudulent, your case may be dismissed. This depends on:
- The evidence you present
- Local eviction laws
- The judge's decision
Consider seeking advice from legal aid or an attorney.
I have the pills and eviction case that I lost against my landlord but he presented a fake lease to have me evicted
To challenge eviction in New Mexico, you can:
- Prove the lease presented was fraudulent.
- Present the original lease or proof of your agreement.
- Consult with a local attorney for specific guidance.
Reach out to New Mexico Legal Aid for further assistance.

New Mexico Legal Aid

Phone:(*) *-*
Address: * Gold Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM *
When asking the judge at my appeals hearing for the eviction case that I lost in the state of New Mexico how should I present myself that the landlord won the eviction on at least that he wrote up that was not valid and was fraudulent
In your appeals hearing, you should:
- Be respectful and professional.
- Present your evidence clearly and logically.
- Explain why the lease is fraudulent.
- Consult an attorney for best strategies.
For more help, consider contacting New Mexico Legal Aid:

New Mexico Legal Aid

Phone:(*) *-*
Address: * Gold Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM *
In the state of New Mexico just because I did not put it in writing that my landlord did not fulfill his obligations as a landlord does it dissolve his responsibilities if I did not put it in writing
In New Mexico, your landlord's responsibilities do not dissolve if you didn't put it in writing. Landlords must:
*. Maintain premises in a habitable condition.
*. Comply with housing codes.
*. Make necessary repairs.
However, written communication is recommended to maintain records. Consult a local attorney for further guidance.
In the state of New Mexico how can I argue that my landlord did not fulfill his responsibilities and that is why I withheld rent if I did not put it in writing
In New Mexico, you can argue by:
*. Showing evidence the landlord didn't fulfill his responsibilities.
*. Explaining how these issues affected your living conditions.
*. Articulating why you withheld rent.
For legal advice, contact:

New Mexico Legal Aid

Phone:(*) *-*
Address: * Gold Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM *
In the state of New Mexico is my landlord obligations dissolved because it was not put in writing to be fixed for a *-Day notice to fix
In New Mexico, a landlord's obligations aren't dissolved due to lack of written notice. They must:
*. Keep premises habitable.
*. Comply with housing codes.
*. Make necessary repairs.
However, for a *-day notice to fix, written communication is advised. Consult a local attorney for precise advice.
In the state of New Mexico my landlord did not fulfill his obligations by maintaining air conditioning and also he instructed the gas company to not have gas that controls my heat and hot water to my house as well is this legal
In New Mexico, it's generally illegal for a landlord to:
*. Fail to provide essential services like heat or hot water.
*. Instruct utilities to be shut off.
You may have legal recourse. Consult a local attorney for advice.
New Mexico Legal Aid:
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Gold Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM *
In the state of New Mexico if my landlord did not fulfill his obligations as a landlord for 3 years and the third year I withheld rent of * a month
In New Mexico, tenants can withhold rent if landlords fail to provide essential services, but there are rules:
*. You must notify the landlord about the issue.
*. Allow reasonable time for repairs.
*. The issue must seriously affect habitability.
Consult with a local attorney for specific advice.
In the state of New Mexico my landlord Got Paid in Full * a month for rent but did not fulfill his landlord obligations the third year I withheld rent is that legal because I did not put it in writing
In New Mexico, you can withhold rent if the landlord fails to maintain habitable conditions, but you must:
*. Notify the landlord about the issue.
*. Allow a reasonable time for repairs.
Having it in writing is recommended for records. Always consult a local attorney for precise advice.
How do I present to the judge in the state of New Mexico that at my appeals hearing for the eviction I lost that the landlord did not fulfill his obligations for 3 years one of the years I withheld rent
In New Mexico, you can present your case by:
*. Detailing landlord's unfulfilled duties over 3 years.
*. Sharing any evidence of these failures.
*. Explaining why you withheld rent.
Consult with a local attorney for specific guidance.
If my landlord failed to fulfill his obligations for 3 years and was paid in full * a month for 3 years how much can I legally Abate the rent for
In New Mexico, rent abatement amount isn't set by law. Factors include:
*. Extent of disrepair.
*. Duration of disrepair.
*. Impact on habitability.
A local attorney or housing court can provide specific advice.
If my rent is $*,* a month and that was paid in full for 3 years but there was a breach of habitability how much rent could I Abate in the state of New Mexico from those 3 years
In New Mexico, rent abatement isn't specified by law. It depends on factors like:
*. Severity and duration of the breach.
*. Its impact on your living conditions.
I'd recommend consulting a local attorney for precise guidance.