Firearm Discharge Eviction Defense


Accidental firearm discharge in an apartment can lead to eviction. In California, landlords can evict for property damage, but must serve a 3-day notice to repair or quit. If the damage is not fixed, they can file for eviction. Review your lease, offer to repair the damage, and consult a local attorney if served with an eviction notice.

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I accidentally discharged my firearm in my apartment and now my landlord wants to evict me
Hello Gino, could you please specify your location to help me provide accurate information? Also, did this incident cause any harm or damage to the property?
Small damage to drywall
Hello Gino, in many jurisdictions, landlords may evict tenants for damage to property. Here are some general steps to take:
*. Review your lease agreement for any clauses about property damage.
*. Offer to repair the damage.
*. Consult a local attorney if you're served with an eviction notice.
Could you tell me where you live so I can give more specific advice?
oxnard California
In California:
- Landlords can evict for lease violations, damage is one.
- They must serve a *-day notice to repair or quit.
- If not fixed, they can file for eviction.
- Seek legal advice if served an eviction notice.
Can I speak to an Attourney
Unfortunately, as a digital assistant, I can't arrange a call with an attorney. However, I'd recommend contacting a local attorney in Oxnard, California, for further assistance. They can help you understand your rights and options in detail.