Tenant Rights In Alabama


Landlords in Alabama must provide a two-day notice before entering a tenants home for non-emergency reasons. Failure to do so may give tenants grounds to file a complaint. If a landlord threatens eviction without proper notice, tenants can seek legal advice. Contact Alabama Legal Services for further assistance.

Full Conversation

Brittany Smith
Hello Brittany Smith, how can I assist you with your legal issue today?
I live in public housing in alabama the name of it is cullman housing authority and my landlord and new property manager along with maintenance and pest control is not giving two day notice before entering my home well my house was messy and my landlord said she would serve an eviction notice and id have 30 days to cure it well this week ive had alot going on but no one wants that many people coming into there home like that without notice ive lived her for * yrs they used to give notice about three or four yrs ago and i also know that it is al state law they have to give two day notice it wasnt an emergency the day they all came in they was changing air filter and doing pest control but i dont think the way i was treated was right or fair had they given notice id make sure my apt was spotless i just dont think she had a right to threaten to evict me and then i have to call her when i get my apt back clean to allow her to inspect i dont feel like i should have to do that when she should have sent a two day notice in the mail to let me and others know that they was coming in
Hello Brittany,
Based on Alabama law:
- Landlords must provide a two-day notice before entering your home for non-emergency reasons.
- If they fail to do so, you may have grounds to file a complaint.
Consider contacting the Alabama Legal Services for further assistance.

Legal Services Alabama

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Montgomery St #*, Montgomery, AL *
Website: www.legalservicesalabama.org