Unlawful Eviction Legal Recourse


Landlords in California must have a lawful reason to evict tenants. You are entitled to quiet enjoyment of your property. Unlawful eviction may entitle you to damages. Seek help from a local legal aid organization.

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Charlotte Baker
Hello Charlotte Baker, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
I was forced to vacate my rent controlled apartment there was no fault or just cause, by my landlord and his property managment. We were intimidated, harrassed, locked out of the lahndry room, threatend eviction, my property was removed from my balcony, and we were contantly told to get out. We could not take the abuse anylonger and turned over our keys. We have been homeless ever since. The landlord sold the property for over * million dollars and we are left devistated, homless, and suffering depression anxiety,
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Charlotte. May I know in which city or state this happened? The laws regarding tenant eviction vary by location.
Sacramento ca, *
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Here are some relevant laws in California:
*. Landlords must have a lawful reason to evict (Cal. Civ. Code § *.*).
*. You are entitled to "quiet enjoyment" of your property (Cal. Civ. Code § *).
*. Unlawful eviction may entitle you to damages (Cal. Civ. Code § *.*).
Consider seeking help from a local legal aid organization.