Eviction Process In Nevada


The user is facing eviction due to non-payment of rent for two months. They have received a 30-day notice to quit and an eviction notice from the constable. The user has filed a motion to stay the eviction for hardship reasons, but the court has not yet made a decision. The user is currently employed and is trying to secure a loan to pay the overdue rent. They have also considered starting a business. The user was advised to contact the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada for free legal advice on tenant issues.

Full Conversation

Im being evicted but I am looking for a tenant lawyer to see if their is a way for me to stay a little longer. I have now where to go and I have a son
What state are you currently residing in, ****? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information regarding tenant laws in your area.
Las Vegas Nv
What is the reason for your eviction?

In Nevada, tenants have rights under the Nevada Revised Statutes. You may be able to delay eviction depending on the circumstances.
Non payment for * mths I had a injury and fell behind
What type of notice did your landlord give you for the eviction?
30 day notice to pay rent or quit. I responded to get a court date but the court said I didnt do it in time so I filed a motion to stay for up to 10 days but the judge hasnt made a decision yet
What is the status of your injury and are you able to work now?

In Nevada, tenants can request a stay of eviction for hardship reasons. It's up to the judge's discretion.
Im better Im working now
That's good to hear. Have you informed your landlord about your current employment status and your ability to pay rent now?
I dont have the 2 months rent and when I ask my landlord for more time she said no
Have you considered seeking assistance from local non-profit organizations or government programs that help with rent arrears?
Yes they said it takes 4 months or so and the landlord is not willing to wait
What is the exact date you received the eviction notice? This can affect the timeline of the eviction process.
I ask to work w/her but she wants the money now
What is the date you received the eviction notice? This is important as it can affect the timeline of the eviction process.
The 30 day notice to quit or the eviction notice on door to leave?
Which notice are you referring to when you mention the date you received the eviction notice? The *-day notice to quit or the eviction notice on the door?
*/* I received a noticed that Im being lock out on Mon. The *
What is the exact date you received the *-day notice to quit? This is important to determine if the eviction process has been carried out correctly.
What is the date you received the eviction notice on the door?
The lock out notice by the consolate? Sorry Im probably not spelling it right
Do you mean the "constable"? The constable is the one who typically serves eviction notices. Can you confirm the date you received this notice?
Yes thats it on */*
What is the date you received the lockout notice from the constable?
To be out by Mon the * but right after I received it on the */* I ask the court for a motion to stay to stop it but they havent made a decision yet so Im to locate a lawyer to help stay here a month @ least to make some oney
What is the status of your motion to stay? Have you received any updates from the court?

In Nevada, tenants can request a stay of eviction for hardship reasons. It's up to the judge's discretion.
I just called the clerk said they review it but no decision but I feel like Im walking on eggshells
Have you tried reaching out to Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada? They provide free legal advice for tenant issues. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
No not yet
I recommend contacting the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada as soon as possible. They can provide free legal advice on tenant issues. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
Ok how do I do a stay of eviction for hardship reasons?
Ok you said something about doing a stay of eviction due to hardship reasons . How do I do that?
To request a stay of eviction for hardship reasons in Nevada, you need to file a motion with the court explaining your situation. It's best to consult with a lawyer for this process.
Since they havent made a decision do you think they can still come and lock me out?
What is the current date? In Nevada, a landlord cannot lock you out without a court order. If the court hasn't made a decision yet, they should not be able to lock you out.
What do you mean?
I meant to ask what today's date is. This will help me understand the timeline of your eviction process better.
What is the name of your landlord or the property management company? This information can help us understand if they have a history of similar issues.
Union Apartments Pinnacle Management
What is the address of the property you are being evicted from?
* S Hualapai Way *
What is the status of your rent payment for the current month?
Las Vegas Nv *
What is the status of your rent payment for the current month?
They wont accept anything until I pay the last 2 months
What steps have you taken to negotiate a payment plan with your landlord for the overdue rent?
When I ask to work w/ me she said no so I havent taken any further steps. What would you advised?
Have you tried contacting the Nevada Legal Services? They might be able to provide you with free legal assistance. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
No not yet
What is the status of your current employment and income? This information can help in determining your eligibility for certain assistance programs.
Im working as much as possible
What is your current monthly income? This information can help determine your eligibility for certain assistance programs.
What is the monthly rent for your apartment?
What is the total amount you owe to your landlord including any late fees or penalties?
* plus this month
What steps have you taken to secure the funds needed to pay your overdue rent?
Im trying to get a loan esp. After I found out that it takes so long for assistance
What type of loan are you trying to secure and have you reached out to any financial institutions yet?
Personal and yes but no approval
What is the reason for your loan application being rejected?
To much debt
Have you considered debt consolidation or speaking with a credit counselor to manage your debts?
Yes But to get started I need * monthly and I cant do it yet
What is the source of your debt? This information can help in providing advice on managing your debts.
Car rental and I had a repo and a couple of credit xards
What is the total amount of your debt from the car rental, repo, and credit cards?
Have you considered filing for bankruptcy? It might help to manage your debts and potentially delay the eviction. However, it's a serious decision with long-term consequences.
No I don't know about that
What is your understanding of bankruptcy? It's a legal process that can help individuals or businesses who can't pay their debts. It's a serious decision with long-term consequences.
Its hard to get anything after that
What is your current plan to manage your debts and pay your overdue rent?

In Nevada, tenants can request a stay of eviction for hardship reasons. It's up to the judge's discretion. You can contact the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada for free legal advice on tenant issues. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
Make more money and start a business
What type of business are you planning to start? Starting a business can have legal implications, so it's important to understand the rules and regulations in your state.
Travel agency or social media. Im looking into a couple of things. My experience is in the travel industry
What specific legal questions or concerns do you have about starting a travel agency or a social media business?
Im not sure what you mean, I really dont have any
What steps have you taken towards starting your business? It's important to understand the legal requirements for starting a business in Nevada.
Nothing yet
What type of business structure are you considering for your travel agency or social media business?
Working from home and I jave a mentor to help
What is the nature of your mentor's role and how are they assisting you in setting up your business?
Training me and guidance
What kind of legal structure are you considering for your business - sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or a corporation?
What is the name you're considering for your LLC? It's important to ensure the name is unique and not already in use by another company in Nevada.
Im not there yet
What is the nature of your business? Will it be a travel agency or a social media company?
I havent decided yet
What are your main concerns or obstacles in deciding the nature of your business?
Just which direction I want to go and Im still deciding the best course of action
What factors are you considering in deciding the direction of your business?
What is your budget for starting your business?
Im not there yet but thank you so much for your time
What is your plan to manage the eviction situation while you're planning to start your business?

In Nevada, tenants can request a stay of eviction for hardship reasons. It's up to the judge's discretion. You can contact the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada for free legal advice on tenant issues. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
One day @ a time , I also work full time time too
What steps have you taken to secure the funds needed to pay your overdue rent?
Make more money I have to go now thank you
What type of loan are you trying to secure and have you reached out to any financial institutions yet? In Nevada, tenants can request a stay of eviction for hardship reasons. It's up to the judge's discretion.