Landlord Harassment Porch Light


In Indiana, a landlord cannot dictate when you can use your porch light unless its stated explicitly in your lease agreement. If the light is causing a nuisance, they might have a case. Its best to check your lease agreement and consult a local attorney if unsure. For parking rules, landlords can set reasonable conditions that apply equally to all tenants. If you feel unfairly treated, seek advice from a local attorney. Dealing with false complaints from neighbors can be stressful. Keep records of incidents, ask your landlord to investigate complaints before taking action, and seek advice from a local attorney if the situation persists. Always seek professional advice as laws can vary.

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My landlord is saying when I can and cannot use my porch light is that harassment
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please share your location as laws differ by region?
Hello ****,
In Indiana, a landlord cannot dictate when you can use your porch light unless it's stated explicitly in your lease agreement. However, if the light is causing a nuisance, they might have a case. It's best to:
- Check your lease agreement
- Consult a local attorney if unsure
Remember, laws can change, so always seek professional advice.
My landlord said I have use of the driveway now they are telling me how to park in the driveway
Hello ****,
In Indiana, landlords can set rules about parking if they're reasonable and apply equally to all tenants. Check your lease agreement for any such conditions. If none and you feel unfairly treated, consider seeking advice from a local attorney.
My neighbor in apartment above me is calling landlord with fake complaints
Hello ****, dealing with false complaints can be stressful. In Indiana, you may want to:
- Keep records of incidents.
- Politely ask your landlord to investigate complaints before taking action.
- Seek advice from a local attorney if the situation persists.
Remember, laws can vary, always seek professional advice.