Texas Renter Mold Rights


Texas landlords must provide habitable properties and make necessary repairs. If mold is suspected, notify your landlord in writing, request action, and document health issues.

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I did a hold mold test in my house and the outside one didn't show anything but all * in the house ones did. I don't see any mold that I know of. But I just want to know what is my Texas right as a renter when it comes to mold
In Texas, landlords are legally required to:
- Provide a habitable property
- Make necessary repairs
If mold is present, it can violate these requirements. You can:
- Notify your landlord in writing
- If no action is taken, you may have the right to terminate the lease or take other legal action.
I am new to being on my own own and renting so how would I go about that to my landlord
To address the issue with your landlord, you may want to:
- Write a formal letter describing the situation.
- Include pictures or evidence of the mold.
- Request for immediate action.
- Keep copies of all correspondence for future reference.
Ok what if I don't see mold but been sick with sinus infection for over 2 months and been tested being allergic to mold and the fact that this was a bad shower leek that mad bad damage that wasn't my fault about a few months agao
In such case:
- Report the shower leak to your landlord immediately, as it may cause mold.
- You can request a mold inspection if you suspect its presence.
- Document your health issues and any doctor's reports linking them to mold exposure.
Thanks so much
You're welcome, ****. If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask. Remember, always keep a record of your communications with your landlord. Stay safe and take care!