Rent Deposit Dispute Resolution


Legal aid services should not withhold rent deposits without a valid reason. If the landlord changes and no eviction is in process, the original agreement may be null. Consult a local attorney for advice. Contact New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) for free legal services.

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Long story short if you deposit rent payments to legal services of Western New York ( legal aid) can they withhold your money and not give it back to you
Hello **** ****, the specific terms would depend on the agreement you have with Legal Services of Western New York. However, generally, legal aid services should not withhold money without a valid reason. Can you share more details about your agreement?
February of * I had the posited roughly $* to legal services of Western New York the bath ny office to prove that I had the rent payments secured for the landlord as agreed and adjourned until my apartment was up to living conditions not only did I provide my attorney with videos pictures and text messages to the landlord and to the maintenance people that I did the repairs on this apartment so I did not authorize my attorney to release my funds to my landlord this has been going on like I said since February with that being said here it is name of * and my landlord no longer owns my apartment building so I have been trying to get my funds back from legal aid with them telling me that I cannot access what I deposited even though I have a receipt and do not authorize any payment to be made to the landlord they told me that it is New York state law that I did not find that says once you deposit money you cannot take it back because of the agreement that was signed in February of * but not only do I not authorize because I did the work I have new landlords like I said I do not authorize them to get my payment either because if my previous landlord doesn't own the rental property anymore that means that there is no eviction proceeding I believe and everything is basically null and void is how I see it so when they told me that I could get my refund money back then they told me that it was New York State law that I cannot have it back that they will release $* to me because I overpaid but will not give me what I deposited when I now have a letter from my landlord that says as of May 15th * he has no knowledge of any eviction in process for Brandy **** at * West Washington Street apartment * Bath New York *
I understand your concern, ****. The rules regarding the holding of funds can depend on the specifics of your agreement. In New York:
- The legal aid services should generally not hold money without a reason.
- However, if there was an agreement stating the funds are non-refundable, they may have the right to withhold.
- If the landlord changed and no eviction is in process, the original agreement may be null.
You should consult with a local attorney for advice.
Thank you do you know any attorney that I can speak to free of cost
Sure, ****. You can consider contacting New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG). They offer free civil legal services to New Yorkers who cannot afford a private attorney.

New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG)

Phone: (*) *-*
I can speak to free of cost
Sure, ****. There are several organizations in New York that offer free legal assistance. One of them is the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG).

New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG)

Phone: (*) *-*
You're welcome, ****. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your situation.
You're welcome, ****! Don't hesitate to reach out if you need more help. Best of luck with your situation.