Illegal Eviction And Belongings


Robert Loflin, residing in Washington State, was allegedly evicted illegally by his ex-girlfriend, Heather Marie Vorpagel, and her landlord, Donna J Olsen. He claims that his belongings, including the title to his classic truck, were removed from the property without his consent. He has evidence of his residency at the property and payments made to Heather. He has reported the matter to the Grays Harbor police, who assured him that his belongings would not be touched. He is considering filing a complaint with the Washington State Attorney Generals Office.

Full Conversation

Ex girlfriend took my keys and the
What state are you currently residing in, ****? This will help me provide you with the most accurate legal information.
Ocean city
What is the nature of the keys your ex-girlfriend took? Are they for your house, car, or something else?
My ex took my set of house keys without my permission while I'm here in Alaska working. Also had her landlord type what i believe from taking to law enforcement an illegal eviction. Took my personal belongings putthem in my truck and is denying me entrance to the house. I've been there for 3 months
What is the location of the house your ex-girlfriend is denying you entrance to?
* state route * ocean city * red house in back
What steps have you taken so far to resolve this issue?
I got a screenshot of this eviction sent to my phone. I got pertinent information documents etc and my meds that are probably destroyed by ex told me there is nothing that i can do. I've had * officers go talk to her
What was the outcome of the officers' visit to her?
That my ex told the officers that nothing would happen to my things inside the house. But yet on text she told me she was removing everything without my consent
What evidence do you have of her admitting to removing your belongings without consent?
What is the exact content of the text where she admitted to removing your belongings without your consent?
This was given to me. One was mailed to the PO Box and your hotel. I will leave it with your belongings in your truck. That is what I was told to do by the Grays Harbor Sheriff who was at the house today.
What is the date and time of the text message where she admitted to removing your belongings without your consent?
July 21st *:* pm
What is the name of the law enforcement agency and the officer who visited her?
Grays harbor police deputy Taylor and deputy Harrison
What is the name of your ex-girlfriend and her landlord?
Heather marie Vorpagel Donna J Olsen
What is the nature of your relationship with Heather Marie Vorpagel? Were you cohabiting or just visiting?
We was in a relationship i lived there i traveled during the week for work but came home Fri and left Sunday
What type of agreement did you have with Heather regarding living at the property?
Verbal agreement that once i started getting money I'd pay her * a month to keep my truck n belongings there.
What proof do you have of this verbal agreement? In general, verbal agreements can be legally binding, but they are often difficult to enforce without evidence.
Do you have any witnesses who can attest to your verbal agreement with Heather?
Do you have any mail, bills, or other documents addressed to you at the property address? This could potentially serve as proof of residency.
I did but my ex more then likely burned them
Do you have any digital copies or records of these documents that could prove your residency at the property?
I do got proof from my paystub that had the address on it
That's great, ****. What legal issue are you currently facing where this proof of address is required?
I believe i got kicked out illegally without any reasonable cause and my property was stolen without my permission
What state are you located in? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding tenant rights and eviction laws.
Washington state
What date were you evicted and did you receive any written notice prior to the eviction? In Washington state, landlords must provide at least 14 days' written notice for eviction.
No i got a picture of a typed eviction that got sent to me through text from my ex.
What was the date you received this text message? In Washington, a text message may not qualify as proper eviction notice.
July 21st *:28pm
What date were you asked to leave the property? In Washington, landlords must provide at least 14 days' written notice for eviction.
I'm working out of state this one was a 10 day notice i believe
What was the exact date you were asked to leave the property? In Washington, landlords must provide at least 14 days' written notice for eviction.
August 10th but on another part of this so called typed up letter that never went through the court's it states my truck may remain on the property until i get back on the 18th of this month
What is the current status of your truck and have you been able to retrieve your other belongings?

In Washington, landlords cannot seize a tenant's property without a court order.
My ex girlfriend took my belongings out of the house and supposedly put them in my truck. I'm in fairbanks alaska working and I'm going home on the 18th to retrieve my belongings. I'm going to lose my job and will be broke with no where to go when i go retrieve my things
Do you have any written agreement or proof that your belongings were supposed to be kept safe until your return?
No just verbal that came from the police officer
What was the reason given for your eviction in the typed notice you received?
I never received one just through text
What was the reason for eviction mentioned in the text message you received?
That my week to week tenancy is terminated by August 10th
What was the reason given for terminating your week to week tenancy?
No reason
What was the duration of your stay at the property before you received the eviction notice?
2 months
What was the agreement between you and your ex-girlfriend regarding your stay at the property?
No agreement was made
What was the nature of your relationship with your ex-girlfriend when you moved into the property?
Wev was in a relationship boyfriend/girlfriend
We was together
What was the nature of your living arrangement? Were you paying rent or contributing to household expenses?
I was helping out with groceries paid her money to stay there
What was the amount you paid her and do you have any proof of these payments?
* and yes i do
What kind of proof do you have for these payments?
Bank statements
What is the total amount you paid her according to your bank statements?
What was the frequency of your payments? Were you paying $* monthly?
No Just once but my truck storage * times and groceries etc
What was the total amount you spent on groceries and other expenses during your stay?
$*,*.* total
What was the agreement between you and your ex-girlfriend regarding the storage of your truck and the payment for groceries?
* a month which was * times and if groceries was needed i buy them
What proof do you have for the payments made for groceries and truck storage?
Receipts for groceries and i gave her cash for truck storage
Do you have any written communication or witnesses that can confirm you gave her cash for the truck storage?
What was the total amount you paid for the truck storage?
What was the total duration for which you paid for the truck storage?
What is the current status of your belongings and your truck?
I don't know
Do you have someone who can check on your belongings and your truck for you while you're still out of state?
No i don't know anyone
Do you have any documentation or proof of the items that were in the house before you left?
What was the total value of the belongings that were allegedly stolen from you?
Title to my classic truck $70k $*,* for the will for my father meds/pills $2k clothes bags jackets $*,* and my truck $*,* grand total $*,*
Do you have any documentation or proof of ownership for the items you listed, especially the classic truck and your current truck?
Yes i do
What kind of documentation or proof of ownership do you have for the classic truck and your current truck?
I got the titles at the house where my belongings are
What is the current status of the titles? Are they still at the house or have they been moved?
I don't know if they are still there
Do you have any copies or digital records of these titles?
What steps have you taken so far to address this issue?
My ex has avoided me since july 21st so i got no idea where my stuff is
Have you reported this matter to the police or any legal authority?
Yes i have
What was the response from the police or legal authority when you reported the matter?
They had conversations with my ex and she supposedly did my stuff wouldn't be touched
What was the outcome of the police's conversation with your ex? Did they provide any assurance or next steps?
They told me it would not be touched by my ex
What actions have you taken since the police assured you that your belongings would not be touched by your ex?
What was the date you reported this matter to the police or legal authority?
July 21st
What was the response from the police when you reported the alleged theft of your belongings?
I am still waiting on the outcome of my belongings
What is the current status of your case? Are you working with a lawyer or handling it yourself?
Doing this by myself as i can't afford an attorney and no one will help me out with this case
What is the nature of your case? Depending on the type, there may be legal aid services available to assist you.
Illegal eviction And belongings possibly thrown away
What state are you in? Laws regarding illegal eviction and disposal of belongings vary by location.
Washington state
What specific belongings are you concerned about and do you have any proof of their existence or value?

In Washington State:
- Landlords must provide written notice before eviction.
- Disposal of tenant's property without notice is illegal.
I just provided an that information to you
What steps have you taken so far in pursuing this illegal eviction case?
As i can't seek legal help i know it's against the law
Have you contacted any local legal aid services or tenant rights organizations in Washington State? They may be able to provide assistance or guidance.
Yes but I've been turned down everywhere
Have you considered filing a complaint with the Washington State Attorney General's Office? They may be able to provide assistance or guidance.
No not yet
Have you documented the condition of your property before and after the eviction? This could be useful in your case. In Washington State, tenants can sue landlords for illegal eviction.
No i don't
Do you have any witnesses or any other form of evidence to support your claim of illegal eviction? In Washington State, such evidence can be crucial in court.
No witnesses but for a picture sent through text of the eviction
Who sent you the picture of the eviction? This could potentially be used as evidence in your case.
My ex girlfriend
What was the reason given for your eviction? In Washington State, landlords must provide a valid reason for eviction.
My week to week tenancy is going to be terminated
What is the reason for the termination of your week to week tenancy?

In Washington State:
- Landlords must provide a valid reason for eviction.
- A week-to-week tenancy can be terminated with a *-day notice.
No reason given
In Washington State, landlords must provide a valid reason for eviction. Have you received any written notice about the termination of your tenancy?
No just the picture sent to me by text
Did the text message include any specific reason for the eviction? In Washington State, landlords must provide a valid reason for eviction.
In Washington State, eviction without a valid reason and proper notice is illegal. Have you considered filing a complaint with the Washington State Attorney General's Office?
I want to
That's a good step. Here's the contact info: Washington State Attorney General's Office, * Washington St SE, Olympia, WA *. Phone: *-*-*-*.
Okay thank you very much
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your case!
Sure will
What is the current status of your case with the Washington State Attorney General's Office?
I haven't taken that step yet
What's holding you back from filing a complaint with the Washington State Attorney General's Office?
I'm going to
What specific concerns or obstacles are preventing you from filing a complaint with the Washington State Attorney General's Office?
What is the timeline of your eviction? It's important to know as in Washington State, a week-to-week tenancy can be terminated with a *-day notice.
The 10th of August
What actions have you taken since the eviction on the 10th of August?
Tried to get help
What kind of help have you tried to get and from where? In Washington State, there are organizations like the Northwest Justice Project that provide free legal assistance to low-income individuals.
What is the reason you haven't sought help from any organizations or legal aid services?