Mold Issues In Rentals


Landlords in California must provide habitable housing, free from health hazards like mold. If your apartment has mold, notify your landlord in writing. If unresolved, you can withhold rent, repair and deduct, or move out without notice. You may also sue for damages. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

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I rent a apartment in California that there is mold on the walls for more than 1 year and it’s getting worse, we have a +7 year’s contract living here so we pay less than the new tenants, if it’s the case to move us for another apartment so they can get fixed the mold, do I have to sign a new contract and pay the actual price of the rent for new tenants?
In California:
- Landlords are required to provide habitable housing under the "implied warranty of habitability."
- If the landlord moves you to another unit, they cannot force you to sign a new lease at a higher rate.
- You can negotiate the terms of the new lease.
For more specific advice, consult a local attorney.
Does landlord can rent a mold apartment in california
In California, landlords are legally required to provide habitable housing. This includes:
- Ensuring the property is free from health hazards, including mold.
- If the property is not habitable, the landlord must fix the issue or face potential legal consequences.
For more specific advice, consult a local attorney.
What can I do if I live in a mold apartment in California
In California, if you're living in a mold-infested apartment, you can:
- Notify your landlord in writing about the issue.
- If the landlord doesn't respond, you can withhold rent, repair and deduct, or move out without notice.
- You may also sue the landlord for damages.
For more specific advice, consult a local attorney.