Eviction Dispute With Landlord


If youre facing eviction in Detroit despite paying rent, its crucial to understand your rights under Michigan law and Section 8 regulations. Landlords must follow proper legal procedures, including obtaining a court order for eviction. If youve received a demand for possession, ensure you have proof of rent payments and consult with a legal aid organization. Communication issues with your landlord or their lawyer can complicate matters, so consider involving your Section 8 caseworker and seeking legal advice. Document all attempts to communicate and consider sending registered mail to ensure your efforts are recorded. If necessary, file a complaint with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) and seek assistance from local legal aid organizations like Lakeshore Legal Aid.

Full Conversation

Landlord tryna evict me claming i owe rent but i dont section * does
Hello VicTaylor. I understand your situation. Can you please tell me the state you are living in to provide you with the most accurate information?
Detroit * Cheyenne
Hello VicTaylor. Being in Detroit, Michigan, your rights as a Section * tenant are protected under both federal and state laws:
- Fair Housing Act: Prohibits discrimination in housing.
- Section * Program Regulations: Landlords cannot evict without proper cause.
- Michigan's Landlord-Tenant Law: Specifies eviction process.
Consider contacting a local legal aid organization for direct assistance.
Some one came by my house saying they owership and to see if we was still living here is that normal
Hello VicTaylor. It is not typical for someone to check residency without prior notice. If you have not received any formal communication about a change in ownership or eviction, it may be suspicious. Consult with a lawyer or your local housing authority.
Yea he just knocked on my door to see if will still living here saying he from owner ship in left
Hello VicTaylor. It's unusual for someone to just knock without notice, especially if no ownership change or eviction notice was given. It's important to inform your local housing authority about this incident. They can provide guidance on next steps.
No notice at all just knocked
Hello VicTaylor. This situation seems irregular. It's wise to reach out to your local housing authority to report this incident. Also, remember that without a formal eviction notice, you're under no obligation to vacate your home.
Do landlord do that
Hello VicTaylor. It's not typical for a landlord to do that without any formal communication. It's best to consult with your local housing authority or a legal professional to understand your rights in this situation.
Yea they have no phone number just email but they barely answers
Hello VicTaylor. It's unfortunate that you're unable to reach them via phone. Have you tried reaching out through email? Also, you may want to consider seeking legal advice. There are numerous legal aid organizations in Detroit that can assist you.
They do call but it be from different numbers then when u do call back line is busy
Hello VicTaylor. This seems like a difficult situation. It might be useful to document these occurrences. Have you kept a record of these calls and attempted communications with your landlord?
Yea but am not seeing how am i getting eviction wity no way to talk to them
Hello VicTaylor. That does seem confusing. Have you received an official eviction notice in writing?
No got a letter in the mail saying demand of possession from a lawyer for not paying rent but i pay all the time
Hello VicTaylor. If you've received a demand of possession, it's considered a formal eviction notice in Michigan. Since you claim to have paid rent, ensure you have proof and consult with a legal aid organization. It's crucial to respond to this notice in a timely manner.
Its from the lawyer not a judge an if section * the one the owes should they be talking to them instead
Hello VicTaylor. In Michigan, eviction notices can come from a landlord's lawyer. As a Section * tenant, you should contact your caseworker immediately. They can help you navigate this situation, as the housing authority should be involved if there's a dispute about rent.
They can't just evict me right
Hello VicTaylor. In Michigan, a landlord needs a court order to evict a tenant, even if they've sent a demand of possession. Have you contacted your Section * caseworker about this situation yet? They should provide guidance and help resolve any rent disputes.
Yea she saying she never heard of this company claming i owe this money
Hello VicTaylor. That seems unusual. Have you shown your caseworker the demand of possession notice you received from the lawyer? It might help in verifying the legitimacy of the company claiming the debt.
Yea then they offered me cash for keys
Hello VicTaylor. This "cash for keys" offer is a legal way for landlords to avoid eviction proceedings. It's usually a negotiated agreement. Did they provide this offer in writing? And have you considered seeking legal advice on whether to accept it?
Do u gotta go to court first right
Hello VicTaylor. Yes, in Michigan, landlords must obtain a court order to evict a tenant, even after sending a demand for possession. If eviction proceedings begin, you will be notified of your court date.
Do i have the right to speak and tell the judge my side
Hello VicTaylor. Yes, during an eviction hearing in Michigan, you'll have the opportunity to present your side of the story and any evidence, such as rent payment receipts, to the judge. It's recommended to seek legal advice to prepare.
I kept all of them but what if the case been dismissed b4
Hello VicTaylor. If your case was dismissed before, it might not directly affect your current situation. However, having documentation about that dismissal could be helpful. Do you have records of the previous case dismissal?
Nope they never sent it too my home
Hello VicTaylor. That could be challenging. However, court records are public. Have you tried reaching out to the court where the dismissal occurred to obtain a copy of the dismissal record?
Don't they gotta explain why is being brought back up
Hello VicTaylor. If the same issue is being brought back up, the landlord or their lawyer should provide a reason. Have you asked for clarification on this from the person who sent the demand for possession?
They say i owe rent but i pay i been here * 11 years now
Hello VicTaylor. Maintaining records of your rent payments is important. If you have proof of payments and the landlord still claims you owe rent, you can dispute it in court. Michigan law requires landlords to provide a valid reason for eviction.
Thats the only reason section * owes they trying say that i owe
Hello VicTaylor. If Section * is responsible for your rent and there's a discrepancy, it's crucial to involve your caseworker. Have you informed your caseworker that the landlord claims you owe rent, not Section *?
Yea they tryna put the payment problem on me but i pay my part
Hello VicTaylor. It seems there's a misunderstanding regarding who owes the rent. It's vital to keep your caseworker in the loop. Have you shared the eviction notice and the lawyer's demands with them?
Yea she say am all caught up on my payment she doesn't know why this is happening
Hello VicTaylor. That's confusing. It might be a good idea to request a meeting with your landlord, your caseworker, and you to clarify the situation. Have you proposed this yet? It could help clear up any misunderstandings about payments.
No way to contact only throw emails but no answer
Hello VicTaylor. That's unfortunate. Have you tried reaching out to the lawyer who sent the demand of possession? They should be able to provide some clarity on the situation.
Yea he not understanding also but the company name is American ave property they have no number just email but never answer
Hello VicTaylor. I understand how frustrating this might be. Have you considered seeking legal advice? There are legal aid organizations in Detroit that might be able to help you communicate with your landlord or explore other options.
We been tryna but no phone in don't answer email i find that odd
Hello VicTaylor. That sounds challenging. Have you tried reaching out to local legal aid organizations in Detroit for help with this situation? They may be able to assist with communication or provide guidance on next steps.
But if section * owes the money should they call or reach out to them
Hello VicTaylor. Generally, if Section * is responsible for a portion of the rent, they should be communicating with the landlord. However, it may vary based on specific circumstances. Have you asked your caseworker if they've tried reaching out to the landlord or their lawyer about this claim?
She tryna to email them no answer then they call from different numbers but when u call back the line is busy
Hello VicTaylor. That sounds frustrating. To address this effectively, it may be helpful to involve a third party like a legal professional. Have you considered seeking assistance from a legal aid organization in Detroit to help communicate with your landlord or their lawyer?
But if they not communicate how we suppose to resolve the problem
Hello VicTaylor. I understand your frustration. In such cases, you might consider sending registered mail to the official address provided by your landlord or their lawyer. This ensures that your communication attempts are documented. Have you tried this method yet?
I save everything but how can u get a eviction when they want even talk to you
Hello VicTaylor. You're right, communication is key. In such a situation, involving a legal professional might be beneficial. They can help ensure your rights are protected and navigate this process. Have you contacted a legal aid organization in Detroit yet?
Because me and my worker been tryna contact them like i said they only have email in don't respond
Hello VicTaylor. This situation sounds very challenging. Have you tried sending a formal, registered letter to their physical address expressing your concerns and asking for a response? This could be a good way to document your attempts at communication.
Is there some one i can call to try in stop this a eviction because the landlords claim i owe money but will not answer me
Hello VicTaylor. You could consider contacting the Lakeshore Legal Aid, a not-for-profit law firm providing a range of free civil legal services to people who are low income, seniors, and survivors of domestic violence in the Detroit area. Their phone number is (*) *-*.
Who to call to complain about landlord
Hello VicTaylor. In Detroit, Michigan, you can file a complaint about your landlord with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). You can reach them at (*) *-*. It's also recommended to seek legal assistance from organizations like Lakeshore Legal Aid.
If i been here 11 years in constantly pay my rent now they seeing i owe odd right
Hello VicTaylor. It seems unusual for a landlord to claim unpaid rent after such a long period, especially if you have records of your payments. Have you shared your payment proofs with your caseworker, the landlord, and the lawyer who sent the demand for possession?
She has everything
Hello VicTaylor. That's good that you have provided all the necessary documents to your caseworker. Have you also considered sharing them with a legal professional for review and guidance on how to proceed with your situation?
No i went in the first time in won i think i can do it again because its making no sense
Hello VicTaylor. That's great to hear that you have previous court experience. However, each situation is unique and laws can change. Have you updated your caseworker about your plans to handle this situation on your own? It's still recommended to seek legal advice.
Am doing it just need some answers that why i reach out
Hello VicTaylor. I understand you're handling this on your own. We're here to provide general legal information. Do you have any specific questions or information you're seeking regarding your situation