Wrongful Eviction Rights


In West Virginia, landlords must provide proper notice before eviction. You can contest an eviction if its retaliatory or discriminatory. For personalized advice, consult an attorney. Contact the West Virginia State Bar Association for referrals.

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Wrongful eviction
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your eviction. Can you please tell me which city and state you live in? Laws regarding wrongful eviction can differ from place to place.
Williamson,WV *
Hello ****, in West Virginia:
- A landlord can't evict without proper notice.
- You can fight eviction if it's retaliatory or discriminatory.
- Consult an attorney for personalized advice.
Remember, laws can change. Always check local regulations.
Can you provide me with a lawyers number to speak with
I'm sorry, but as an AI, I'm unable to provide personal contact details. I suggest you to contact the West Virginia State Bar Association for a referral. Their website is www.wvbar.org.