Tenant Rights During Sale


If a property is sold in Indiana, the new owner must generally honor the existing lease. However, if your lease includes a clause allowing termination upon sale with 30 days notice, this clause may be enforceable. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Gary cooper
Nice to meet you, Gary Cooper. Could you please describe the legal issue you're facing?
We’re renting a property and the landlord is selling the property. I have a laease
What state are you located in, Gary? Different states have different rules regarding tenant rights during a property sale.
What is the duration of your lease agreement? In Indiana, if the property is sold, the new owner must honor the existing lease until it ends.
It has a clause that states if it sells we have 30 days from the new ownership my lease was good until December this year
What does the clause specifically state about the 30 days notice? In Indiana, the new owner is generally required to honor the existing lease.