Disputing Rental Damage Charges


In North Carolina, landlords must return the tenants deposit within 30 days after move-out and provide an itemized statement for any deductions. They cannot charge for normal wear and tear. If you dispute the charges, consider seeking legal counsel.

Full Conversation

I moved out of my house */*/* and was given a move out reconciliation on */*. Totaling $* due in damages . I was then given a revised */* for a total of $*.* in damages now . These damages were not listed on the move out inspection done by the landlord .
Hi ****, could you please share your location? Rental laws can vary greatly from place to place, so it would be helpful to know where this is occurring.
North Carolina
In North Carolina, landlords must:
- Return the tenant's deposit within 30 days after the tenant has moved out.
- Provide an itemized statement if they withhold any part of the deposit for damages.
- Not charge for normal wear and tear.
If you dispute the charges, you may need to seek legal counsel.