Landlord Entry Legal Guidelines


Landlords in Alabama can enter your property for necessary or agreed repairs, to show the property to prospective tenants or buyers, or in case of an emergency, provided they give at least 2 days notice. They cannot remove a tenants possessions without a court order. If you believe your property has been unlawfully taken, consider filing a police report or seeking legal advice.

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Can they come on your piece of property
Yes, a landlord in Alabama can legally enter your property under certain conditions:
- For necessary or agreed repairs
- To show the property to prospective tenants or buyers
- In case of an emergency
They should provide at least 2 days' notice before entering.
Can the come onto your land
In Alabama, a landlord is permitted to enter your property under certain conditions:
- For necessary or agreed repairs
- To show the property to potential tenants or purchasers
- In case of an emergency
They should provide at least 2 days' notice prior to entering.
Can landlord take things off my property if they think it belongs to them
In Alabama, a landlord typically cannot remove a tenant's possessions without a court order. If you believe your property has been unlawfully taken, you may want to consider filing a police report or seeking legal advice.