Car Towing Legal Rights


In Ohio, law enforcement needs a warrant to search your car unless theres probable cause. You have the right to refuse a search if you believe its unjustified. Consult a local attorney for guidance. Local legal aid services in Dayton include Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc. And Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project.

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My car was towed from my property and the detective wants a warrant to search my car
Hello ****, it's crucial to know your location to provide accurate legal information. Can you tell me where you're currently located?
Dayton, Ohio
Hello ****, I understand your situation. In Ohio:
- Law enforcement needs a warrant to search your car unless there's probable cause.
- You have the right to refuse a search if you believe it's unjustified.
It's advisable to consult a local attorney for guidance. Would you like information on local legal aid services?
Great, here are some local legal aid services in Dayton, Ohio that could help:
*. Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc: (*) *-*
*. Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project: (*) *-*
You can reach out to them for further assistance.