Illegal Car Towing Dispute


In Oregon, property owners must provide notice before towing vehicles. Towing companies cannot require you to sign over your title to retrieve belongings. Charges must be reasonable. Review parking rules, document interactions, and consider contacting a local attorney for advice.

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Hi Jennifer, how can I assist you with your legal issue today? Could you please provide more details about your situation and your location?
I live in Springfield Oregon and i belive i had my car in properly impounded by a apartment complex
Hi Jennifer, thank you for sharing your location and situation. Here are some points that might help:
- In Oregon, landlords or property managers generally need to provide proper notice before towing vehicles.
- Check if the apartment complex posted clear parking rules and towing policies.
- Review your lease agreement for any clauses related to parking and towing.
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Well i have a more percise question. I was parked in their office parking area. The signs say parking for future tenants. I was in a designated spot with the only parking sign in relivence to where i was parked being the future tenants one. I had gotten arrested and left my boyfriend to take care of my car. He was unable to get what was needed to move it that night so it sat over night. When he got there to move thwe car the battery was dead so he put a note stating that and he would be back with in a few hours to move it. When he came back about * hours later the car had been towed. So the car at this point was not there even a full * hours. I get out of jail the next day and find out that my car had been towed so i call the posted tow company that the apartments have up and they say that they do have my car and that it will be over $* to get it out. And $* plus signing over my title just to get my things out. Is the tow company allowed to charge me to get my belongings out of the car?and can they make you sign over your title to the car if so? Also after i had contacted the tow company i called the apartment complex office and a laddy had answered and i asked if they had my vehicle towed and she stated yes and then i asked what was the reason for they towing it and she started to state that they have signs up that is when i interupted her and reminded her i was parked in a spot designated for future tenants. When i reminded her of this her tone became very rude and she says wasn't there am issue where the police where called I then told her yes. She then said yeah and you went to jail and as i was about to explane the reasoning for this she hung up on me. Now from my understanding they couldn't legally have my car towed given it was parked in a spot that was for future tenants ans i belive i fall under these guidelines and the car had not been there for even * hours. Im i correct with my thought of this beeing an illegal tow. And if so how do i go about getting my car back and possibly compensated do to lost wages from the lose of my vehicle?
Hi Jennifer,
Here are some key points regarding your situation:
- In Oregon, a property owner or manager must typically provide notice before towing.
- The towing company cannot make you sign over your title just to retrieve your belongings.
- The charges for towing and storage must be reasonable.
To address your situation:
*. Review the parking rules and lease agreement for the property.
*. Document all interactions and gather evidence (photos, notes).
*. Consider contacting a local attorney or legal aid for specific advice.
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