Retrieve Belongings After Lockout


If you are locked out of a residence and unable to retrieve your belongings, you have the right to contact local law enforcement for assistance. They can mediate while you collect your items. If this approach is unsuccessful, you may need to file a lawsuit for conversion. Consulting a local attorney for personalized advice is recommended.

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I lived with my Mom and step-father for 8 years as both had medical issues. Mom died a little while ago and step-dad asked me to stay and take care of him. He recently met a woman on line and married her within weeks. She changed the locks on the house and I can not get my belongings. What can I do?
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please tell me which country or state you're in? The laws regarding property retrieval vary by location.
Hello ****, in Arizona, you have the right to retrieve your belongings.
- Contact local law enforcement. They can mediate while you collect your items.
- If unsuccessful, you may need to file a lawsuit for 'conversion'.
- Consult a local attorney for advice.
That's correct, ****. It can be a difficult process, but you have rights. If you need help with the lawsuit or finding an attorney, let me know.