Georgia Subdivision Road Ordinances


In Georgia, road changes in older subdivisions are generally required to comply with current local ordinances, which can vary by county or city. For precise information, refer to the Georgia Code or consult a local property attorney.

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Yes. Can you please quote and link me to georgia state law or case law that states that road changes in old subdivisions must adhere to current ordinances?
Hi ****! Could you let me know if you are dealing with a specific issue in your subdivision or if you need this information for general knowledge? This will help me provide more accurate information.
General knowledge
Hi ****! Here is some general information on this topic:
- In Georgia, local ordinances typically govern road changes within subdivisions.
- The specific requirements might vary by county or city.
- Generally, changes in older subdivisions must comply with current local ordinances.
For detailed information, you may refer to the Georgia Code or consult with a local attorney specializing in property law.
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