Tornado Damage Insurance Dispute


The users truck was damaged in a tornado while parked at her rented residence in Georgia. She applied for assistance from FEMA and the SBA but was denied. Her landlords insurance also refused to cover the damages. She is considering legal action against her landlord, who has already been compensated for property damages. The user has a liability-only insurance policy on her truck, which does not cover damages from natural disasters. She is seeking legal advice on how to proceed.

Full Conversation

Property damage
Can you please provide more details about the property damage? Was it caused by a natural disaster, accident, or vandalism?
What type of disaster caused the damage to your property?
What state are you located in, ****? Different states have different rules regarding disaster relief and insurance claims.
In Georgia:

- Homeowners insurance typically covers tornado damage.
- You may also be eligible for federal disaster relief.

For more details, contact Georgia Department of Insurance: *-*-*.
Apllied for fema assistance and the S.B.A and was denied and home owner/landlord refuses to cover damages
What was the reason given for your FEMA and SBA assistance denial?
Still in an appeal with fema
What is the basis of your appeal with FEMA?
Home owner has already been paid for damages for the property ,but said my truck was not included
What is the specific clause in your insurance policy regarding vehicle coverage in case of natural disasters?
I had liability coverage only
What is the make, model, and year of your truck? In Georgia, liability coverage typically doesn't cover damage to your own vehicle from natural disasters.
* ford f250 superty duty
What is the extent of the damage to your * Ford F250 Super Duty?
Crushed cab and busted windshield
What steps have you taken so far to address the damage to your truck?
Sending documents upon fema request and appealing
What specific documents have you sent to FEMA for your appeal?
Proof of my identity, drivers license, copy of title, estimates,etc. I have copies of all documents and letters and appeals
What was FEMA's response after you submitted these documents for your appeal?
Request for savage title that i cannot provide
Why can't you provide the salvage title for your truck?
I have original title only
Why haven't you been able to obtain a salvage title for your truck?
I dont have the money to fix the truck thats why im seeking assistance
Have you considered reaching out to local charities or non-profit organizations that might be able to assist with the repair costs?
Yes, but truck is totaled
What is the current market value of your * Ford F250 Super Duty?
Not sure, but i paid *,* for it
Did you have any form of insurance on your truck at the time of the disaster?
What is the reason your homeowner/landlord gave for not covering the damages to your truck?
I asked for a document stating that her home owners insurance will not cover damages and she refuses that they are responsible
What is the exact wording of your lease agreement regarding property damage and liability?
No lease
What was the verbal agreement between you and your landlord regarding property damage and liability?
Not covered
What was the reason given by your landlord for not covering the damages to your truck?
She said she not responsible for damages to my truck
What evidence do you have to support your claim that the landlord is responsible for the damages to your truck?
Had an attorney tell me her insurance is responsible
What is the basis of your attorney's claim that your landlord's insurance should cover the damages to your truck?
She already put a claim for her property and has been compensated
What is the name of your attorney and their contact information? free advice and your referral
What is the name of your landlord's insurance company?
She refuses to give me that information
What steps have you taken to legally compel your landlord to disclose her insurance information?
I asked her to provide a document stating that her insurance would not cover my truck and she has not
What was the response of your landlord when you asked for the document stating that her insurance would not cover your truck?
She would provide that, but she is not
What steps have you taken to legally compel your landlord to provide the document stating her insurance would not cover your truck?
What is the reason you haven't taken any legal steps to compel your landlord to provide the document stating her insurance would not cover your truck?
Im trying to take the first step now
What legal steps are you considering to compel your landlord to provide the document stating her insurance would not cover your truck?
Im trying to sue her, so she will have to take to her insurance
What evidence do you have to support your claim in court?
The truck is still on property and i have pictures, original title, and estimates.
What is the estimated cost of the damages to your truck according to the estimates you have?
It was totaled
What is the estimated market value of your truck at the time it was totaled?
I paid *,*
What is the current market value of a similar model and year truck in your area?
What is the name and contact information of the court you're planning to file your lawsuit in?
Newton county
What is the name of your landlord?
What is the exact wording of the insurance policy your landlord has for the property?
I dont know
What steps have you taken to obtain a copy of your landlord's insurance policy?
Asked her several times for a document
What was her response when you asked for the insurance policy document?
Said she would provide, but no action from her
What steps have you taken to legally compel your landlord to provide her insurance policy document?
Spoke with an attorney and was advised to sue with the help of legal aid
What is the name and contact information of the legal aid organization that you're planning to work with for your lawsuit?
Newton county legal aid
What is the contact information for your landlord, B.J.Massey?
What is the address of the property where the damage occurred?
* parker rd. Covington, GA *
What is the name and contact information of the attorney who advised you to sue your landlord?
Faircloth * *- *-*
What is the status of your lawsuit with your landlord? Have you filed it yet?
She gave a 30 day notice to move yesterday
What is the reason given by your landlord for the *-day notice to move?
Selling property
What is the exact wording of the *-day notice given by your landlord?
It was sent via text
What does the text of the *-day notice say exactly?
"I will not sell this month, it will be sept if then cause thats a 30 day notice"
What is the date you received this text message?
August *,*
What is the exact wording of the text message you received from your landlord regarding the *-day notice?
Sending an investor to look at property tomorrow, no time was given
What is your plan after the *-day notice period ends?
Cant do anything without my truck
What are your plans for transportation or relocation after the *-day notice period ends?
Currently seeking elsewhere
What is your budget for seeking legal assistance in this matter?
Im in need for free legal assistance
What is the reason for your landlord's refusal to cover the damages to your truck?
Said her insurance would not pay for it
Said her insurance would not pay for it
Said her insurance would not pay for it.
What steps have you taken to dispute your landlord's claim that her insurance won't cover the damages to your truck?
Im trying to take the first step now
What is the name and contact information of the insurance company you had liability coverage with for your truck?
State farm
What is the policy number of your liability coverage with State Farm?
C55 *-B18-*
What was the response from State Farm when you reported the damage to your truck?
They were not responsible
What was the reason given by State Farm for not taking responsibility for the damages to your truck?
No compensation
Why did State Farm say they couldn't compensate for the damages to your truck?
Had liability only
What was the reason given by State Farm for not covering the damages to your truck under your liability only policy?
I was paying for it
I wasnt paying for it
Why weren't you paying for the insurance coverage on your truck?
I was paying for liabillty only
Liabilty only
What is the reason given by State Farm for not covering the damages to your truck under your liability only policy?
No compensation
Why did State Farm say they couldn't compensate for the damages to your truck under your liability only policy?
Coverage doesnt cover
What specific coverage does your liability insurance policy with State Farm provide?
No fault coverage
What does your "no fault coverage" specifically cover according to your policy with State Farm?
Covers the other party in an accident
What was the reason given by State Farm for not covering the damages to your truck under your "no fault coverage" policy?
No reason cause it was parked
What was the exact location where your truck was parked when the tornado hit?
* parker rd covington GA *
The location where i reside
The location where i reside
* parker rd covington GA *
Front yard at * parker rd.
What is the current condition of the truck and where is it located now?
Its totaled in the same spot since jan *, *
What steps have you taken to get an estimate for the salvage value of your truck?
Not trying to salvage truck
Why are you not trying to salvage the truck?
It decreases the value of the truck that needs to be replaced
Because i have original title
Not trying to salvage
Why are you not interested in salvaging the truck?
It decreases the value
What is your plan for replacing the truck given its current condition and value?
What is your plan to raise the $*,* needed to replace your truck?
What are my options????
Have you considered filing a small claims lawsuit against your landlord for the value of your truck?
Thats why im texting now
What evidence do you have to support your claim in a small claims lawsuit against your landlord?
The actual vehicle,the original title, pictures and documents since jan *, *
What is the estimated cost of the damages to your truck according to the estimates you have?
More than what the trucks worth
What is the estimated value of the truck's damages according to the estimates you have received?
What is the name and contact information of the person or company who provided the estimate for the damages to your truck?
Jackson collision (*)*-* fax # (*)*-*
What is the estimated cost of the repairs according to Jackson Collision?
Totaled *,*
What is the basis of your claim that your landlord's insurance should cover the damages to your truck?
It was on her property
What does your lease agreement say about damages to personal property while on the landlord's premises?
Verbal agreement
What was the exact verbal agreement between you and your landlord regarding damages to personal property?
She refuses to provide documents or pay for my truck
What was the exact wording of the verbal agreement between you and your landlord regarding damages to personal property?
No discussion in that matter
What was the nature of your relationship with the landlord? Were you a tenant, a guest, or something else?
No relations
What was the nature of your agreement to stay on the property if there were no formal lease or relations with the landlord?
Remodeling of her house
What was the agreement between you and your landlord regarding the remodeling of her house?
Remodeling house for half the rent
That we work on the house for half the rent
What was the extent of the work agreed upon for the remodeling and was there any written agreement or witnesses to this arrangement?
Roofing, painting,flooring,renavation of bathroom,additions to porch,etc.
What was the agreed upon value of the work you were to perform in exchange for half the rent?
What evidence do you have of this agreement to work on the house in exchange for half the rent?
Typed document from her
She typed up a document
Typed letter
What does the typed letter from your landlord state regarding your agreement to work on the house in exchange for half the rent?
Can i talk to someone please
Please call me
Call me (*)*-*
Please call me