Nuisance Neighbor Legal Options
In Florida, dealing with a nuisance neighbor involves understanding trespassing and nuisance laws. If the right of way is county property, it may not be considered trespassing. However, persistent harassment can be addressed by filing a restraining order, suing for nuisance, or seeking mediation. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.Full Conversation
I have a nuisance neighbor I had her trespassed from my property. I have a right of way in my back yard she still comes to my house and harasses me. I’ve called the authorities several times but they say she’s not trespassing cause the right of way is county property. What can I do about this issue
Hello ****, sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please let me know which location you are in? The laws on trespassing and nuisance vary from place to place.
Bay County Florida
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Florida:
- Trespassing involves entering someone's property without permission.
- Nuisance involves causing persistent annoyance or harm.
If the right of way is county property, it may not be considered trespassing. However, if she's causing a nuisance, there are legal remedies. You could consider filing a restraining order or suing for nuisance.
So what are my options and rights to the right of way in my yard
In Florida, your options regarding the right of way in your yard include:
*. Filing a restraining order if harassment continues.
*. Suing for nuisance if the neighbor's actions disrupt your peace.
*. Seeking mediation to resolve the issue amicably.
*. Discussing the issue with local authorities or a homeowners association, if applicable.
Remember, specific laws can vary, so consult a local attorney for personalized advice.