City Yard Cleanup Dispute


The user received a letter from the city demanding yard cleanup, which they partially complied with. Despite multiple attempts to contact the city, they received another letter with additional claims, including an alleged illegally parked vehicle. The user feels discriminated against, intimidated, and harassed. They have documented some cleanup efforts but not all communication attempts. Recommended steps include documenting all efforts, sending a certified letter to the city, and consulting a local attorney for specific guidance.

Full Conversation

So we got a letter from the city basically saying we needed to clean our yard up, which some of it I totally understood but some of it was questionable.. well we made multiple attempts to contact them and left multiple messages with nothing in return from them so we started doing what we could with what the weather would allow us too well then they sent another letter say how we disregarded the first one and basically haven't done anything they asked us too which is a lie and now the saying we have a vehicle illegally parked in our yard even gave a plate number which we don't know anyone with that make or model of vehicle, and now saying that if we don't get what they asked us to get done then they take legal action against us.. we have been working on what the letter says we need to, it says they attemp to work with people but have made no effort to work with us and I feel like they are *. Discriminating, *. Trying to intimidate, and *. Harass us Pearl Chatbot Pearl Chatbot, Harassment Lawyer's Assistant I understand that you're feeling frustrated and concerned about the situation with the city's letters and their claims against you. Can you tell me more about the specific requirements mentioned in the first letter that you believe you have already addressed? You For * our fence was damaged and that was the first thing I tended too there was no mentioned of that in the second letter, I kinda let my bags of leaves and grass clippings get out of hand but I got rid of all that I had * trailer parked in my yard, and I moved one to a different location and the other in the driveway and its my work trailer and they are claiming it's only being used for storage which is false if I do store anything it's my work equipment and then they said something about my riding mowers which I use for work and on my own lawn but I moved them out of the front yard like the asked, they are just nit picking anything they can Pearl Chatbot Pearl Chatbot, Harassment Lawyer's Assistant Have you documented your attempts to contact the city and the progress you've made in cleaning up your yard? You We've got receipts from the dump and then we even rented a dumpster from the city which will show up on our next water bill but we have not documented the attemps to call them other then their answering machine Pearl Chatbot Pearl Chatbot, Harassment Lawyer's Assistant Is there anything else the Lawyer should know before I connect you? Rest assured they'll be able to help with your city dispute. You I'm not sure I really didn't even want it to go this far but I don't really know what else to
do. If possible, please provide your location so I can provide relevant legal information.
Great Falls Montana
I understand your frustration, ****. Here are some general steps to consider:
- Keep documenting your clean-up efforts.
- Send a certified letter to the city detailing your efforts.
- Consult with a local attorney.
Please note that this is general advice. For specific guidance, consult a local attorney.