Property Retrieval Legal Options


If someone is withholding or disposing of your belongings without permission, you may have legal options such as reporting the theft to the police, filing a small claims court case for the value of missing or damaged items, or seeking a temporary restraining order to prevent further disposal of your property. Consider gathering evidence and consulting with a local attorney to explore these options.

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my friend said me and my boyfriend could come stay with her at her apartment in granite City, il in Madison County Illlinois until we could find jobs and our own place. She told us we could take all of our belongings and put anything that we didn't need to use on a regular basis downstairs in her storage unit that her apartment complex provided because she wasn't using it so after we moved everything into either of the storage unit downstairs or her apartment about 3 days later she decided to tell us that we had to leave and take all her shit and get out at like *:* in the morning even though we had no vehicle to leave in or property with. The following morning I was arrested for a failure to appear warrant that my public defender had not gotten taken care of and was incarcerated for the next 9 days. During that time and immediately after I was arrested she told my boyfriend that he could stay and that he did not have to move any of our things out that we could that he could continue to use the basement for storage. During the next week she gave him his own tea and also had offered to talk to the landlord and have him added to the lease when I was released from jail after 9 days I was told that I could come and get my things whenever I was able to get transportation to do so and just to let her know in advance after about a week I was able to get that transportation and contacted her through my boyfriend and he let her know that we were going to be coming to get our things she said that was fine when we got there she claimed that she was not home although her vehicle was outside and we could hear her inside her apartment so we were unable to get any of our property because the things downstairs required a key to get to the basement to the storage area and she was saying she was at work and not at home and so we were unable to get inside We could have let ourselves in because he does have a key but we didn't want to do that without her permission and she said that she had company there that was staying the night so we said that we would be back and after we left then she decided to say oh well you can go back and get your stuff well by that time it was almost midnight and we no longer had a vehicle to move our stuff with. Over the next * hours she proceeded to tell us we could go down to the basement if we wanted to if we could get down there either buy another tenant letting us in or if the door was left unlocked by another tenant and we could get our things there So the next morning we were able to go and get our things we contacted her to let her know that we were hopefully going to be able to get the things out of her apartment too she did not respond to her calls or texts and so we just collected our belongings from the basement and decided to wait until we heard back from her and then we would figure out how to come back and get the rest of it at that point in time she tried to claim that she only had one box and an ashtray upstairs when in fact she had went downstairs and she took the lock off of her storage unit and had went through all of our things and she without our permission went through all of our bags and removed numerous items from the unit that she gave us permission to use at no point in time did she ever tell my boyfriend that he had to move out or that he had to get his things out of there just that she wanted my things out of there and when we tried to accomplish that she would wait till we got there and then say that she wasn't there and so when she told us we could get it out of the basement and we went and did that that's when we figured out that she had removed numerous items and brought them upstairs into her apartment including my TV my Google Chromecast all of his tools and A lot of my art supplies and jewelry box that was a gift for my sister the list goes on and on and when we contacted her about things being missing she tried to still stick to the box and ashtray being the only things that she had and then throughout the course of the day had changed her story over and over again to include that yes there was more than that that yes she had thrown away numerous items of mine and that she admitted to going through our bags without permission she admitted to throwing away items she admitted to removing items and having them in her apartment as well as my TV and Google Chromecast were still attached to my account so I have current real-time data that shows that they're still in her apartment and being used actively and now is threatening to throw out the rest of our items and or put them outside on the curb even though we have made numerous attempts to retrieve the items. She first claimed that she only had the two items in her apartment and throughout the course of the day has now admitted to going through all of the bags and boxes down there and removing multiple things and is now threatening to damage or destroy or dispose of my property So what are my options legally as far as how to stop her from doing this to my belongings
You may have grounds for a legal claim against her for conversion (theft) and possibly trespass to chattels. Here are your options:
- Contact the Police: Report the theft and provide evidence.
- Small Claims Court: Sue for the value of your missing/damaged items.
- Temporary Restraining Order: Prevent further disposal of your belongings.
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