Dealing With Trespassers Effectively


If you are dealing with persistent trespassers, document all incidents with photos or videos if possible. Install security cameras and consider getting a restraining order. Contact local law enforcement and provide them with all evidence. If they are unresponsive, consult a property or criminal law attorney for further legal action. Your safety is crucial, and there are legal avenues to protect your property and well-being.

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I have two stocker at my house for a month and they made my a living hell! I don't know these people and have met them! I have told them many times to stay off my property and they come back every time! Now they coming everyday and staying all night! Again I told them to go home and they don't listen! They here all night looking in my windows and bagging on them and talking so loud that will not let me even sleep! The cops come around they run off and telling me that can not do anything because we have no proof and bought camera and he has said will destroy it! And I get stuff to cover up the windows to help ! My n neighbors know who they are but they refuse to say anything to try get them arrested! I am to point that I can not take it anymore and these people in jail and everyone involved that are not giving me any information! I have yelled out my window to get help but they go unanswered! Please someone needs to hear me and make this stop! The cops are not helping to try investigate this! They think I am making all this up and I have no reason to! I am * and have health issues and they get worse since this has been going on and I can not even clean my house out fear and My legs shake so bad that I can even stand and my breathing is even getting worse! My mom passed away two months ago and I am having hard time with it and can't even morn her death because of these people! Please Please help!
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, Cindy. Your safety is paramount. May I know which city and state you're located in? This will help me provide you with specific legal information and resources.