Faulty Default Judgment Resolution


Stanley Skilton from Georgia is dealing with a property deed dispute. He was given a default judgment due to being informed of the wrong court appearance time. The property, signed over to him by his mother, was transferred to her conservator. Stanley is seeking advice on how to contest the conservatorship and reclaim his property. He has been unsuccessful in finding affordable legal aid due to age and crime-related restrictions. He has not yet filed a motion to set aside the default judgment.

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I have a fault default judgment because I was told the wrong time to appear in court on $*,* property deed
What state are you in, ****? This will help me provide the most accurate information.
What court issued the default judgment? This will help me provide you with the appropriate contact details.
Paulding county
What is the nature of the property deed dispute?

Paulding County Superior Court:
- Address: * Constitution Blvd, Dallas, GA *
- Phone: (*) *-*
My mother signed this property over to me over a year ago they say that she was not in her right State of mind which is lies I wouldn't do my mother like that my mother is still alive she's in a nursing home put nursing home she's real upset that they have transferred this property into her conservator name
Who is the conservator and how was they appointed? In Georgia, a conservator must be appointed by the court and the person must be proven incapable of managing their own affairs.
I do not know how they was appointed it was her name was Carrie trotter trotter my mother was put in a nursing home and they appointed her a lawyer for her conservatorship and then power of attorney lawyer which was done all after she had sinus property to me I lived with her here at this property for right at 40 years
What steps have you taken so far to contest the conservatorship and the transfer of the property?

In Georgia, you can file a petition to terminate the conservatorship if you believe it's not in the best interest of the ward.
I do not I don't know the steps about the things working Court as far as trying to file motions and stuff like that
What type of legal representation do you currently have? In Georgia, you can file a motion to set aside a default judgment within a certain time frame.
I do not have I have been trying day after day to find some kind of legal help I don't mind paying but I have no $*,* retainer
Have you considered seeking help from legal aid services in Georgia? They often provide free or low-cost legal assistance to those who qualify.
Yes they tell me I have to be * or older I've called the Paulding county legal board Georgia legal aid national legal aid since I have not committed no crime and I'm not * I don't qualify
Hello is there anybody there
Hello ****, I'm here to help. Have you tried to file a motion to set aside the default judgment in Paulding County Superior Court?
What is the reason you haven't filed a motion to set aside the default judgment? In Georgia, this can be done if you can prove you weren't properly notified about the court date.
Well I was talking to someone about emotional set aside default judgment on property deed and I guess it got disconnected
What state is the property located in? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding setting aside a default judgment.
It's in Paulding county Georgia
What is the reason you want to set aside the default judgment on the property deed?
Cuz I did not get accurate timing to appear in court and the property is mine my mother signed it over to me and her conservator just come in and snatched it out from under me because I have no legal I guess capabilities in court to defend myself don't know how none of these legal procedures work I'll have to go
What is the current status of the property and have you taken any legal steps to reclaim it?

In Georgia, you can file a motion to set aside a default judgment due to improper service.