Retrieve Personal Belongings Guide


If your friend refuses to return your belongings, you may have a claim for conversion. Document all interactions, send a formal demand letter, and consider small claims court if necessary. For free legal help, contact Alaska Legal Services Corporation.

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Elizabeth Lisa
Hello Elizabeth Lisa, how can I assist you with your legal issue today? Could you please provide more details about the situation?
Help with getting my things back from a friend that state troopers of Seward said this is a civil matter to get a lawyer and talk to the court I have no money no job kinda I have nothing and I went to help my ex friend and he became lazy and mean so I got a ride to leave and my things on his property he never showed up at the time he was supposed too and I his phone was off so I came back to Willow and he said now he was taking my stuff to the homeless in Anchorage but now today he is not answering me I want my things back or he can pay everything I own in my suit case it’s my life and my kids life in my things things I can not replace and he’s being a jerk and knows I have no money to pay him he is a very selfish. Person I’m asking for a lawyer suit to get paid or my things back please
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Elizabeth Lisa. It seems like you are dealing with a tough situation.
From what you shared, you may have a claim for conversion, which is the wrongful possession of another person's property. Here are some general steps you might consider:
- Document everything: Keep track of all interactions.
- Send a formal demand letter: Detail what you are owed and request its return.
- Legal action: If he refuses, you may need to file a claim in small claims court.
Also, consider reaching out to local legal aid societies in Alaska as they often provide free or low-cost legal assistance.
Remember, this is general advice. For specific guidance, you should consult with a local attorney.
I don’t know any of this what free laywer to get I never did this before I came to Alaska to help my best friend she died in a horrible car crash I only got to spend time with her for two months I took over to help her roommate of * two strokes two pacemakers I don’t get paid special services is t helping me I’m on my own people use me and I don’t like it so thanks anyway
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. For legal assistance in Alaska, you can reach out to Alaska Legal Services Corporation. They provide free legal help to low-income Alaskans. Their contact details are:

Alaska Legal Services Corporation

Phone: (*) *-*