Mobile Home Fire Dispute


Verbal agreements can be legally binding but are hard to prove in court. If the title wasnt dated, the sale might be invalid. Local laws vary, so consult a local attorney. Perry County Circuit Court could provide more specific information.

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We had a moble home fire we sold our moble home to an individual we agreed i could have 30 days to get my things out now they wont let me have anything the moble home is in a park o signed the back of the tirle and they paid me but i didnt date it or give them a bill of sale can i do anything
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's essential to know your location to give accurate information. Could you please tell me where this happened?
Perryville mo
Here's some general legal information based on your situation:
*. Verbal agreements can be legally binding but are hard to prove in court.
*. If you didn't date the title, the sale may be invalid.
*. Local laws may vary, consult with a local attorney.
Perry County Circuit Court could provide more specific information.
Ok thank you
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