Neighbor Fence Dispute Solutions


If your neighbor attaches something to your fence or their pool downspout damages your lawn, you can ask them to remove it or adjust it. If they refuse, consult local ordinances or consider a civil case for trespass or property damage. Small claims court in South Carolina typically costs $30 to $50, and an attorney is not required but can be hired for varying fees. Always seek local legal counsel for specific advice.

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What do I do if my neighbors pool downspout is facing my lawn and killing my grass
Here are a few steps you could consider:
- Politely request your neighbor to adjust their downspout.
- Consult your local zoning or housing laws.
- If the issue persists, consider small claims court for property damage.
Remember, this is general advice and may not apply to your specific situation. Please consult a local attorney.
How much does small claims court normally cost
In South Carolina, the filing fee for small claims court is typically between $* and $*, plus any additional costs for serving the defendant. However, these fees can vary depending on the county, so it's best to check with your local court.
What about the attorney
In small claims court, an attorney is not required. However, if you choose to hire one, fees can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case and the attorney's experience. Check with local attorneys for specific fees.