Property Dispute Legal Options


In California, you can file a small claim for property recovery, including pets. For car citations, dispute them if they occurred while not in your possession. Pro bono legal aid is available through organizations like Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles and Community Legal Information Center (CLIC) in Butte County. Contact a lawyer for detailed guidance.

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I am not sure what type of case my issue is it involves property which includes my cat. There are also issues my car as well besides just getting it back everything is on my cousin's property she is refusing to return any of it. What want most is my cat but I have gotten tickets and citations while the car was out of my possession. I've tried to negotiate but that hasn't worked. I don't know if small claims is the way to go or a regular lawsuit against her or if a lawyer could get a judge to at least order the return of my cat she is an emotional support animal. I also was forced to live in a shelter for six months and had to be separated from her which was extremely hard. I am indigent and have no income I have subsidized housing now so I would need a pro bono lawyer. I am in California
Hello ****, sorry to hear about your situation. In California:
- You can file a small claim for property recovery, including the pet.
- For your car, consider disputing citations if they occurred while not in your possession.
- Pro bono legal aid is available through organizations like Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles.
Remember, only a lawyer can provide legal advice. I recommend contacting one for detailed guidance.
I am im butte co
Hello ****, in Butte County, you can reach out to Community Legal Information Center (CLIC) for pro bono help. They can assist you with small claims or other legal actions you may need to take.