Retrieve Personal Property Wisconsin


In Wisconsin, you have the right to retrieve your property. If your ex-friend refuses, you can file a claim in Small Claims Court. If theyve damaged or sold your stuff, you can sue for the value. If your possessions are moved to different locations, the law still entitles you to your property. Proving ownership can be done through dated receipts, photographs, videos, or testimonies. Charging you for storage while denying access is generally unfair and can be addressed in your Small Claims Court case. If you cant afford a lawyer, seek help from Legal Aid Services, Pro Bono services, or law school clinics.

Full Conversation

Having issues with an ex friend about getting my stuff back and other things that she's done with my stuff
Hello Stephanie, I am sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please tell me which state or country you live in? It is essential for me to provide accurate legal information based on your location.
Wood county wisconsin
Hello Stephanie, in Wisconsin:
- You have the right to retrieve your property.
- If your ex-friend refuses, you can file a claim in Small Claims Court.
- If they've damaged or sold your stuff, you can sue for the value.
Please consult with a lawyer for the most accurate advice.
What do I do if she has moved it to multiple places
Hello Stephanie, if she's moved your possessions to different locations, it can complicate things. However:
- The law still entitles you to your property.
- If she refuses to return or reveal their locations, you can sue her for the value in Small Claims Court.
Please consult a lawyer.
I have one more question what if I built things that she destroyed or moved how do I prove that those are mine
Hello Stephanie, proving ownership can be tricky, but here are a few suggestions:
- Show dated receipts for materials used.
- Provide photographs or videos of you building the items.
- Get testimonies from people who saw you with the items.
Remember, it's best to consult a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
She charged me storage even though every time I've come to get it she won't let me
Hello Stephanie, in Wisconsin:
- Charging you for storage while denying access is generally unfair.
- You can address this in your Small Claims Court case.
- Consult a lawyer for precise advice tailored to your situation.
Thank you
You're welcome, Stephanie. I'm glad I could provide some guidance. Remember, it's important to document everything and consult with a legal professional for the best course of action. Good luck with your situation.
If I can't afford a lawyer what should I do
Hello Stephanie, if you're unable to afford a lawyer, consider:
- Seeking help from Legal Aid Services in Wisconsin.
- Checking if you're eligible for Pro Bono legal services.
- Contacting law schools for clinics where students provide free legal advice under supervision.
Thanks again
You're welcome, Stephanie. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions. Remember, Legal Aid Services and law schools can be of great help. Good luck!